2d Fighter Maker 2nd Player Data Download __LINK__
2d Fighter Maker 2nd Player Data Download ---> https://urllio.com/2t1C66
Generate and customize characters, import them or use the built-in variants, add animations and play fighter games in a 2D environment. Engage other players in battles and use various movements and attacks. The solution comes with default resource files Run Time Package (RTP).
MultiVersus, the cross-brand platform-fighter from Warner Bros. Games, lets you engage in fisticuffs using characters from DC Comics, Game of Thrones, Looney Tunes, and other properties. The free-to-play game has enough familiar faces (including Bugs Bunny, Iron Giant, and Wonder Woman, among others) and tight, multiplayer battles to keep your hooked for hours on end. 2b1af7f3a8