All To Mp3 Converter 3.3 Serial
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The MCU controls the device playback by sending serial commands through a TTL level UART control interface (GND, VCC, TX, RX). Pins are connected GND to MCU ground, VCC to 5V power supply, YX5300 TX (transmit) to the designated RX (receive) pin for the library, YX5300 RX to TX. The MCU RX/TX can be hardware serial pins or a software controlled serial port.
Communications is via asynchronous serial RS232 at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware flow control. Flow control is implemented using a request/response protocol with data packets in the following byte format:
I have been trying to play mp3 with an arduino with an mp3 shield that uses SPI and the experience was not pleasant. Using a simple serial interface is much nicer.The biggest limitation seems to be that the maximum number of tracks is 256At _YX5300/class_m_d___y_x5300.html#af9a464f2cdbd272be42aac185283a755 playTrack takes a uint8_t
It should work with the ESP32. The easiest is to try and compile without downloading and see if there are any errors in the compile.I would try without the converter and see if it works. SD cards are generally 3.3V. As you are using the lower voltage you should be damaging anything. At worst it will not work.
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Because serial ports are asynchronous (no clock data is transmitted), devices using them must agree ahead of time on a data rate. The two devices must also have clocks that are close to the same rate, and will remain so--excessive differences between clock rates on either end will cause garbled data.
Asynchronous serial ports require hardware overhead--the UART at either end is relatively complex and difficult to accurately implement in software if necessary. At least one start and stop bit is a part of each frame of data, meaning that 10 bits of transmission time are required for each 8 bits of data sent, which eats into the data rate.
Another core fault in asynchronous serial ports is that they are inherently suited to communications between two, and only two, devices. While it is possible to connect multiple devices to a single serial port, bus contention (where two devices attempt to drive the same line at the same time) is always an issue and must be dealt with carefully to prevent damage to the devices in question, usually through external hardware.
Finally, data rate is an issue. While there is no theoretical limit to asynchronous serial communications, most UART devices only support a certain set of fixed baud rates, and the highest of these is usually around 230400 bits per second.
I2C requires a mere two wires, like asynchronous serial, but those two wires can support up to 1008 peripheral devices. Also, unlike SPI, I2C can support a multi-controller system, allowing more than one controller [1] to communicate with all peripheral [1] devices on the bus (although the controller devices can't talk to each other over the bus and must take turns using the bus lines).
Data rates fall between asynchronous serial and SPI; most I2C devices can communicate at 100kHz or 400kHz. There is some overhead with I2C; for every 8 bits of data to be sent, one extra bit of meta data (the \"ACK/NACK\" bit, which we'll discuss later) must be transmitted.
Since the devices on the bus don't actually drive the signals high, I2C allows for some flexibility in connecting devices with different I/O voltages. In general, in a system where one device is at a higher voltage than another, it may be possible to connect the two devices via I2C without any level shifting circuitry in between them. The trick is to connect the pull-up resistors to the lower of the two voltages. This only works in some cases, where the lower of the two system voltages exceeds the high-level input voltage of the the higher voltage system--for example, a 5V Arduino and a 3.3V accelerometer. Depending on the design of the Arduino or the I2C device, we recommend using a logic level converter to be consistent and avoid damaging any device on the bus. 153554b96e