Blob From Space Activation Code [hacked]l
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This is a great visual tweak. I copied it from Wes Bos in one of his React & GraphQL lessons. Basically he switched the title bar colors on different projects to recognize them easily and help the audience distinguish between them too. This is really useful if you work on apps that may have the same code or file names, for example, a react-native mobile app and a react web app.
On Venus and beyond, the protomolecule hive mind displayed an ability for instantaneous communication, with events involving the substance anywhere in the system (mainly the activation or destruction of human-protomolecule hybrids) triggering a response from Venus' surface.
Abstract sockets have no permissions and could allow any user on thesystem in the same network namespace (oftenthe whole system) to inject code into the multiprocessing forkserverprocess. This was a potential privilege escalation. Filesystem basedsocket permissions restrict this to the forkserver process user as wasthe default in Python 3.8 and earlier.
bpo-46845: Reduces dict size by removing hash value from hash table whenall inserted keys are Unicode. For example,sys.getsizeof(dict.fromkeys(\"abcdefg\")) becomes 272 bytes from 352bytes on 64bit platform.
bpo-46007: The PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED() macro has been excludedfrom the limited C API. It was never usable there, because it usedinternal structures which are not available in the limited C API. Patch byVictor Stinner.
bpo-45703: When a namespace package is imported before another module fromthe same namespace is created/installed in a different sys.pathlocation while the program is running, calling theimportlib.invalidate_caches() function will now also guarantee thenew module is noticed.
bpo-41180: Add auditing events to the marshal module, and stopraising code.__init__ events for every unmarshalled code object.Directly instantiated code objects will continue to raise an event, andaudit event handlers should inspect or collect the raw marshal data. Thisreduces a significant performance overhead when loading from .pycfiles.
Prey takes place in an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union encounters a species of eusocial aliens, called the Typhon, aboard one of their satellites, the Vorona 1. The Soviet Union works together with the United States to fight off and capture the aliens, unbeknownst to the general population. Together, they build the space station Kletka (Russian for \"cell\") to be used as a prison for the Typhon situated in orbit around the Moon. After a failed assassination attempt on United States President John F. Kennedy, the United States wrests full control of the Kletka satellite from the Soviet Union. Research of the Typhon continues under the name \"Project Axiom\". After the \"Pobeg Incident\" in 1980 where some scientists aboard the station lost their lives to the Typhon, the American government shutters Project Axiom, leaving the captive Typhon alive.
On 12 June 2016, Bethesda announced the Prey reboot at its E3 press conference. The game's development was led by Arkane Studios CEO and director Raphaël Colantonio and his team in Austin, Texas.[16] The new Prey is not a true sequel but instead \"a re-imagining of the IP\", according to Colantonio.[17] The teaser trailer shown during E3 2016 showed the game's protagonist in something like \"a space horror version of Groundhog Day\", according to CNet's Seamus Byrne.[18] Bethesda's vice president of marketing Pete Hines explained that the new game has no elements from the cancelled Prey 2 outside of the player facing against aliens.[19] Colantonio said in later interviews that calling their game Prey was a \"non negotiable compromise\" with Bethesda, a decision that no one on the Arkane team was pleased with. Colantonio said it felt bad to lie that they were continuing the Prey series, and was an insult to Human Head, the developers of the original Prey. [20] He expressed that it was a \"sales mistake\" that would turn away fans of the original Prey and fail to attract other players.[21]
Prey incorporates numerous gameplay concepts from Dishonored, which was itself inspired by the Looking Glass Studios' games Thief: The Dark Project and System Shock, where players are encouraged to find creative solutions to overcoming obstacles.[24] Borrowed elements from Dishonored include giving the player enough agency to determine how they want to proceed at the game, having in-game consequences for certain actions taken by the player, developing a game world based on a pre-established lore that can be learned by examining notes and computer terminals throughout the station, and a simple user-interface.[24] However, Colantonio said that Prey would be less focused on stealth as Dishonored was, and would provide a more role-playing video game-style improvement system through in-game chipsets that allows the player to customize their abilities for more tactical fast-paced action sequences in contrast to Dishonored's bone charm system.[24] While Prey has been likened to a Metroidvania, its lead designer Ricardo Bare has said that he actually was not familiar with the sub-genre and that Prey's world design follows in the footsteps of games such as Arkane's own Arx Fatalis and Looking Glass Studios' System Shock, which featured interconnected worlds where to make progress, obstacles had been overcome through abilities the player could acquire.[25] Bare considered the Talos I setting to be \"like an open world\" that is fully explorable as the player gained abilities and equipment.[26] However, according to Colantonio, calling it an open world \"might have the wrong associations.\"[27] The developers also took inspiration from FTL: Faster Than Light, considering the complexities of the various gameplay systems and how fast that a situation can go wrong if the player did not sufficiently plan ahead. Bare said they wanted to include that \"chaos of systems\", and keeping in mind that Talos I is a functioning space station, populated the station with a number of hazards like gas pipes and oil spills that can both been a boon to the players in defeating the Typhon, but also can cause unforeseen consequences if the player is not careful.[28] Arkane had considered including procedural generation within the main campaign, so that different areas may have different hazards when the player encountered them, but they recognized that this would become a point of frustration for a single-player game that may caused players to leave the game uncompleted. They dropped this approach, and instead worked the procedural generation aspects into the game's downloadable content Mooncrash, which takes place outside the main game's campaign.[29]
The narrative concept for Prey came to Colantonio during one of his airline flights while on travel; on return, he started to engage with the Austin studio to flesh out the ideas for the narrative, design, and gameplay, looking to build as detailed a world as they had for the city of Dunwall used as the setting for Dishonored.[31][22] Colantonio said that it took about a year from this initial concept to come up with setting the game in an alternate timeline that helped support this detailing.[31] They considered how the future would have been different if Kennedy survived the assassination attempt, allowing them to flesh out the narrative and design of the space station.[22] This itself directly attributed to the styles used in the various parts of the station, with the team considering what architecture would have influenced those most responsible for operating Talos I at the time. This ranged from considering what Kennedy would have seen frequently were he alive in the 1960s and 1970s, to envision how those funding contemporary commercial space efforts like Elon Musk or Google would style a space station.[9] As Talos I is a relatively small space, Arkane was able to detail the station in depth, such as naming each non-playable character, including those already dead by the story's present, and fleshing out background stories for them, as to make the game's world more cohesive.[32]
A vote was taken, buttons were pushed and one of the admins has announced that they're taking the server for a ride. What will this entail No one knows for sure except the admin running the event. Maybe the station will be invaded by space pirates. Maybe diplomats from the Clown Planet are here for a summit. Whatever happens, don't be afraid to play along and have fun!
Random events are events which may happen during another round type. Events like this usually only happen after a set amount of time, from 20 minutes up to an hour and 20 minutes. Severity of events range from minor things to keep departments busy to full on crisis events. Random events can include meteor waves, virus outbreaks, blob formations, even nasty xenomorph infestations!
Reason for Exclusion:Despite several overhauls and many iterations, Clockwork Cult never achieved a truly balanced state, often ending in one-sided stomps for either side. It was removed from standard rotation on April 3, 2018, at the request of its maintainer. The code was removed from the game on October 15, 2019, though the sprites and sound effects are still kicking around.
Last time I was playing with my Passive Radar. I finally created an ambiguity library which is a really fast 70 frame/s analyzing a continuous string of data 2*1024*1024 bits per frame. This allowed me to record signals from slowly moving cars in real-time. I used a normal TV antenna without any modifications in one dongle mode. To support the library I created a Passive Radar program with all the parameters available for tuning. The code is open and available on GitHub. The movie is available on my website Passive radar Web page od Daniel M. Kamiński ( 153554b96e