Boycotts And Bar Flies Epub Free
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"The great conundrum," Hoover and Sherman write, "is whether free speech means just the unfettered exchange of ideas, or whether it also implies a code of civility, including respect for people of different opinions. Do we perform as intellectual and moral agents, or behave like cranks, bullying and banishing those who don't conform to our views?"[71]
"A boycott is a wicked act," they add, "because it targets people, their possessions and their ability to earn a living, rather than ideas.... It is a self-righteous and self-aware statement of moral superiority, which somehow justifies a suppression of views one finds morally offensive... a boycott is censorship."[75]
As they explain, free speech is critical for the academy, and academic boycotts are political acts restricted by rules, not free speech. They note that the "caretakers of academic freedom need not be academics."[63] They also refer to the issue as a "content-based restriction on speech that assumes that specific speech is either good or bad, and that certain people should be shielded from ideas that are deemed to be bad."[63]
They also recommended that in addition to the boycott, "academic trade unions might assert their own policies for participation in academic organizations."[63] In addition, they noted that boycotts have been used in the past in "name-calling, intimidation and exclusion," and should not be used against state or private actors.
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Here, illustrator and painter Mokshini (@ohhey) shares a pep talk for sketchers in PDF form! After learning the importance of keeping a sketchbook to record your surroundings and build a personal visual library, you can download her five top drawing tips to help you battle shyness, overcome feeling stuck, and draw in public. d2c66b5586