Dmc 5 Pc Save File Mission 13
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Up to three players can now properly play together (with matchmaking) in most of the game's missions and even in the Bloody Palace mode. Additionally, this mod also exposes graphics options that aren't otherwise available via in-game settings.
Save File Import: Enables you to import a savefile from another Steam user. Close the game, place the new savefile in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[usernumber]\601150\remote\win64_save, launch the trainer and enable this option, then start the game, disable this option after the game saved once. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS OF ANY DATA/SAVEFILES THAT RESULTS FROM THE USAGE OF THIS TRAINER, ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR SAVEFILES.
Coop Hack: Adds realtime 3 player coop similar to that of mission 13 to Bloody Palace Stage 1 to 100 and to the following missions: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17Enable before entering Bloody Palace/selecting the mission that you want to play in coop, can be left enabled without influencing other missions.
Matchmaking works the following way: Players playing the same mission on Human or Devil Hunter will be matched, the same goes for those that play on Son of Sparda and Dante Must Die. The restrictions of the original coop for mission 13 apply for this hack too: no coop when you use a super costume, no coop on Heaven or Hell and Hell and HellIn Bloody Palace, players who are playing the same stage will be matched.
You'll have to save after you finish the final boss. Once you've completed the game, a coin will appear next to the save file. When you begin again, go to Load Game. Make sure you load the file with the coin next to it. Once the game is loaded, you'll have the opportunity to select both a level and a new costume from here.
In Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition, players may play on a separate file as Vergil. Vergil's scenario has a new prologue, but all other cutscenes were removed. Also, while the Vergil boss fights are still fought, the boss wears red instead of blue so that the player can see the difference.
Here's our guide to Devil May Cry 5's orb locations and secret missions. We're still combing over a few levels, so we may have missed a fragment or two; stay tuned for updates as we play more. For now, follow along to grab them as you play through, or return to levels on Human difficulty and blitz through to grab the orb fragments.
Blue Orb fragment 2: This fragment is in the same broken staircase room as the secret mission below. Stairs spiral upwards around the walls to a point where they're broken, around the third story. Proceed to the top of the stairs, then wall-jump up to a platform above the doorway you'll be exiting from. From here use the grapple point to jump up through a hole in the ceiling and find another blue orb.
Blue Orb fragment: After completing the secret mission listed below, go back to the ledge and proceed up another grapple point to the top of the chamber. You'll make your way to the last bloody transit vein of the level. Before you enter, walk around behind the vein and kill the root hiding there. You'll hear a sound, and when you walk back to the front to enter the vein, a blue orb chunk will have appeared.
Purple Orb fragment: This one after a fight with some spiked lizards. If you jump to the platform below them and look down, but not towards the secret mission area, you should see other platforms. Carefully make your way down and you will find it.
Secret Mission 12: The last of these devilish missions can be found in mission 16. You'll reach a chasm where you can clearly get to the other side, but don't do this. Drop down and kill the spiked lizards. Then drop to the big platform below. There's a small gap and a yellow platform you can see through it. Go onto that platform, then past the big red orb statue. Make your way down the next area and duck into the first cave you see. The flowing spot is on the floor and the mission is outside the cave.
Secret missions are represented by a huge pentagram, and you'll have to find a specific place to stand that will glow on touch, and then center the camera to align the shape accordingly.
There are two devil triggers to pick up, a few orbs, and most importantly, the highlighted point. You barely need to move the camera here: just look at the giant wall in front of you and it's likely to activate the secret mission prompt.
If you didn't manage to save energy feel free to keep exploring and come back again. Just keep in mind that if you go down through the mines you won't be able to come back. If you end up inside a massive cave, you passed it.
To get this one, make a double jump to the right opposite side of the room. If you can't manage to get there, try to go to a lower step and jump from there. You'll quickly notice the standing point. Face at the door and the mission will trigger itself.
There's a short passage to the left that appears to be empty at first, but once you get to the end, you'll see the highlighted point. Face backward and you'll quickly notice the secret mission prompt.
Successfully complete the game on the Dante Must Die difficulty to unlock the Hell Or Hell difficulty. In Hell Or Hell mode, you die in one hit, but all enemies have full health bars. Autosaves are disabled and you only get three lives.
Use the following video walkthrough to find and complete all 12 secret missions and get the "Secrets Exposed" trophy. None of the secret missions are missable. You can reach them through chapter select at any time. Simply stand in the red glowing dot and face the graffiti on the wall. The graffiti will light up red and you can enter the secret mission. Each mission contains a different unique challenge that tests your skills.
Search the indicated locations to find all 70 collectibles in DMC5 (32 Blue Orb Fragments, 8 Purple Orb Fragments, 12 Secret Missions, 7 Weapons, 6 Blue Orbs, 5 Purple Orbs). No collectibles are missable. You can get them through mission select at any time. The video guide shows everything in chronological story order. Every four orb fragments form a full orb, which is needed to upgrade health (blue) and devil trigger (purple). Secret missions are little challenges. Weapons are exclusive to Dante.
The "Menace From Above" is a large tentacle that comes through the ceiling to attack you. There are multiple of these in Mission 05. The first one is at the start of the warehouse, where you must destroy the second Blood Clot of this mission. It is unmissable because you have to destroy the Blood Clot to advance. However, killing the "Menace From Above" is optional. Just attack it with everything possible. You can focus on it with R1 to see the health bar. If you take too long or walk away, the "Menace From Above" will retreat. Play on the lowest difficulty if you have trouble with this.
Equip the Devil Sword Sparda (R2), and use the Swordmaster stance (D-pad Right). At the final boss of the mission, simply keep pressing R1 + Circle to spin the sword. It will stagger him and unlock the "Don't Mess With The Best" trophy.
There is only one "hidden" enemy in Mission 01. When you drop down the broken bridge (after the cutscene halfway through the mission), immediately turn around to find a red mantis guarding a Blue Orb fragment. Make sure to kill it. The rest of the enemies are in plain sight. The mission is just one long bridge with enemies on it -- you can only go in one direction and the enemies are easy to see. Just kill all of them to get the "Protect The People" trophy.
This can be farmed using checkpoint restarts. The quickest place to farm it is in Mission 15. Play through the trap section until you reach the first Divinity statue in the mission. Go behind the Divinity statue to view a short cutscene of a blue orb fragment on top of a mountain. In this area are seven Punch Line Devil Breakers sitting close together. They only take 30 seconds to collect. Immediately destroy them by pressing L1, then restart the checkpoint and collect them again until you get the "Rearm And Repeat" achievement.
You can defeat five enemies in one second early in the first enemy encounter of Mission 02. Play on the Human or Heaven Or Hell difficulty, and have the "Helter Skelter" devil breaker equipped before starting the mission. It can be bought from the shop. Kill the first three enemies. Five more enemies will then spawn. Let them get close to you, then hold Circle with the Helter Skelter to kill them all simultaneously and get "The Quick And The Dead" trophy. On the Heaven Or Hell difficulty, all enemies die in one hit. On the Human difficulty, you may have to weaken them a little bit first. If it does not work on the first try, restart the checkpoint to retry. Alternately, use Super Nero's "Maximum Bet" skill. Maximum Bet is a huge shockwave move that kills everything in its path.
The first and perhaps the easiest way to get a good number of Red Orbs right in the beginning is to play through the demo first. Since the demo is long gone now, if you have a save file with the demo completed on your PS4 or Xbox One, you can get an instant 30K Red Orbs that will be more than enough to purchase the initial set of upgrades for Nero.
In the start, it is not possible to farm red orbs easily. You will just have to try your best to get the best ranking possible for a mission and maintain an S style rank during battles to increase the number of orbs dropped by the enemies.
Sure, sports games top the charts, and first-person shooters like Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 have linear, mission-based campaigns. But even Call of Duty ditched its campaign with Black Ops 4, and Nintendo moved its two most popular franchises to true open worlds with their latest entries.
There are multiple reasons why I want more games like Devil May Cry 5. For starters, I can play DMC 5 for an hour and feel like I made tangible progress, completing a mission or two. With open world games, an hour spent often leads to the feeling that you just made more work for yourself. Let me explain. 2b1af7f3a8