DS[daemon Slave]02 20
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Make sure that the configuration files that are relevant for your profile are configured properly before finishing the authselect select procedure. For example, if the sssd daemon is not configured correctly and active, running authselect select results in only local users being able to authenticate, using pam_unix.
The tool knotc is designed as a user front-end, making it easier to control a running server daemon. If you want to control the daemon directly, use SIGINT to quit the process or SIGHUP to reload the configuration.
Knot DNS allows a special mode of operation where the private part of the Key Signing Key is not available to the daemon, but it is rather stored securely in an offline storage. This requires that the KSK/ZSK signing scheme is used (i.e. single-type-signing is off). The Zone Signing Key is always fully available to the daemon in order to sign common changes to the zone contents.
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This config file controls how the system statistics collection daemoncollectd behaves. The most significant option is LoadPlugin, whichcontrols which plugins to load. These plugins ultimately define collectd'sbehavior. If the AutoLoadPlugin option has been enabled, the explicitLoadPlugin lines may be omitted for all plugins with a configuration block,i.e. a block.
This is useful (or possibly even required), e.g., when loading a plugin thatembeds some scripting language into the daemon (e.g. the Perl andPython plugins). Scripting languages usually provide means to loadextensions written in C. Those extensions require symbols provided by theinterpreter, which is loaded as a dependency of the respective collectd plugin.See the documentation of those plugins (e.g., collectd-perl(5) orcollectd-python(5)) for details.
To prevent loops and shooting yourself in the foot in interesting ways thenesting is limited to a depth of 8 levels, which should be sufficient formost uses. Since symlinks are followed it is still possible to crash the daemonby looping symlinks. In our opinion significant stupidity should result in anappropriate amount of pain.
If Hostname is determined automatically this setting controls whether or notthe daemon should try to figure out the \"fully qualified domain name\", FQDN.This is done using a lookup of the name returned by gethostname. This optionis enabled by default.
A separate Daemon block must be configured for each ceph daemon to bemonitored. The following example will read daemon statistics from fourseparate ceph daemons running on the same device (two OSDs, one MON, one MDS) :
If enabled, latency values(sum,count pairs) are calculated as the long runaverage - average since the ceph daemon was started = (sum / count).When disabled, latency values are calculated as the average since the lastcollection = (sum_now - sum_last) / (count_now - count_last).
If enabled, special metrics (metrics that differ in type from similar counters)are converted to the type of those similar counters. This currently onlyapplies to filestore.journal_wr_bytes which is a counter for OSD daemons. Theceph schema reports this metric type as a sum,count pair while similar countersare treated as derive types. When converted, the sum is used as the countervalue and is treated as a derive type.When disabled, all metrics are treated as the types received from the ceph schema.
Set the directory to store CSV-files under. Per default CSV-files are generatedbeneath the daemon's working directory, i. e. the BaseDir.The special strings stdout and stderr can be used to write to the standardoutput and standard error channels, respectively. This, of course, only makesmuch sense when collectd is running in foreground- or non-daemon-mode.
Specifies one or more XPath expression to use for reading the values. Thenumber of XPath expressions must match the number of data sources in thetype specified with Type (see above). Each XPath expression must returnexactly one element. The element's value is then parsed as a number and used asvalue for the appropriate value in the value list dispatched to the daemon.This option is required.
Names the columns whose content is used as the actual data for the data setsthat are dispatched to the daemon. How many such columns you need is determinedby the Type setting above. If you specify too many or not enough columns,the plugin will complain about that and no data will be submitted to thedaemon.
Each database needs a \"name\" as string argument in the starting tag of theblock. This name will be used as \"PluginInstance\" in the values submitted tothe daemon. Other than that, that name is not used.
Select the disk Name. Whether it is collected or ignored depends on theIgnoreSelected setting, see below. As with other plugins that use thedaemon's ignorelist functionality, a string that starts and ends with a slashis interpreted as a regular expression. Examples:
Please note that in order to change the user and/or group the daemon needssuperuser privileges. If the daemon is run as an unprivileged user you mustspecify the same user/group here. If the daemon is run with superuserprivileges, you must supply a non-root user here.
The gmond plugin received the multicast traffic sent by gmond, thestatistics collection daemon of Ganglia. Mappings for the standard \"metrics\"are built-in, custom mappings may be added via Metric blocks, see below.
The GPS data stream is fetch by the plugin form the daemon.It waits for data to be available, if none arrives it times outand loop for another reading.Mind to put a low value gpsd expects value in the micro-seconds area(recommended is 500 us) since the waiting function is blocking.Value must be between 500 us and 5 sec., if outside that range thedefault value is applied.
The Listen statement sets the network address to bind to. When multiplestatements are specified, the daemon will bind to all of them. If none arespecified, it defaults to
Sets the file to write log messages to. The special strings stdout andstderr can be used to write to the standard output and standard errorchannels, respectively. This, of course, only makes much sense when collectdis running in foreground- or non-daemon-mode.
The modbus plugin connects to a Modbus \"slave\" via Modbus/TCP or Modbus/RTU andreads register values. It supports reading single registers (unsigned 16 bitvalues), large integer values (unsigned 32 bit values) and floating pointvalues (two registers interpreted as IEEE floats in big endian notation).
Over each connection, multiple Modbus devices may be reached. The slave IDis used to specify which device should be addressed. For each device you wantto query, one Slave block must be given.
Specifies which data to retrieve from the device. DataName must be the samestring as the Name argument passed to a Data block. You can specify thisoption multiple times to collect more than one value from a slave. At least oneCollect option is mandatory.
Optionally, master and slave statistics may be collected in a MySQLreplication setup. In that case, information about the synchronization stateof the nodes are collected by evaluating the Position return value of theSHOW MASTER STATUS command and the Seconds_Behind_Master,Read_Master_Log_Pos and Exec_Master_Log_Pos return values of theSHOW SLAVE STATUS command. See the MySQL reference manual, SHOW MASTER STATUS Syntax and12.5.5.31 SHOW SLAVE STATUS Syntax for details.
Enable the collection of master / slave statistics in a replication setup. Inorder to be able to get access to these statistics, the user needs specialprivileges. See the User documentation above. Defaults to false.
The argument Host may be a hostname, an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. Ifthe argument is a multicast address the daemon will join that multicast group.The optional second argument specifies a port number or a service name. If notgiven, the default, 25826, is used.
This plugin collects the number of connections and requests handled by thenginx daemon (speak: engine X), a HTTP and mail server/proxy. Itqueries the page provided by the ngx_http_stub_status_module module, whichisn't compiled by default. Please refer to for more information onhow to compile and configure nginx and this module.
This plugin sends a desktop notification to a notification daemon, as definedin the Desktop Notification Specification. To actually display thenotifications, notification-daemon is required and collectd has to beable to access the X server (i. e., the DISPLAY and XAUTHORITYenvironment variables have to be set correctly) and the D-Bus message bus.
For talking to ntpd, it mimics what the ntpdc control program does onthe wire - using mode 7 specific requests. This mode is deprecated withnewer ntpd releases (4.2.7p230 and later). For the ntpd plugin to workcorrectly with them, the ntp daemon must be explicitly configured toenable mode 7 (which is disabled by default). Refer to the ntp.conf(5)manual page for details.
Specifies what information to collect about links, i. e. directconnections of the daemon queried. If set to No, no information iscollected. If set to Summary, the number of links and the average of alllink quality (LQ) and neighbor link quality (NLQ) values is calculated.If set to Detail LQ and NLQ are collected per link. 153554b96e