Dw Setup Crack Exe File
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In this posting we analyze Crackonosh. We look first at how Crackonosh is installed. In our analysis we found that it drops three key files winrmsrv.exe, winscomrssrv.dll and winlogui.exe which we analyze below. We also include information on the steps it takes to disable Windows Defender and Windows Update as well as anti-detection and anti-forensics actions. We include information on how to remove Crackonosh. Finally, we include indicators of compromise for Crackonosh.
The only clue to what happened before the Maintenance.vbs creates this registry key and how the files appear on the computer of the victim is the removal of InstallWinSAT task in maintenance.vbs. Hunting led us to uncover uninstallation logs containing Crackonosh unpacking details when installed with cracked software.
Serviceinstaller.msi does not manipulate any files on the system, it only modifies the registry to register serviceinstaller.exe, the main malware executable, as a service and allows it to run in safe mode. Below you can see the registry entries serviceinstaller.msi makes.
Looking at winrmsrv.exe (aaf2770f78a3d3ec237ca14e0cb20f4a05273ead04169342ddb989431c537e83) behavior showed something interesting in its API calls. There were over a thousand calls of FindFirstFileExW and FindNextFileExW. We looked at what file it was looking for, unfortunately the author of malware hid the name of the file behind an SHA256 hash as shown below.
After decryption we found names of other parts of malware, some URLs, RSA public keys, communication keys for winrmsrv.exe and commands for XMRig. RSA keys are 8192 and 8912 bits long. These keys are used to verify every file downloaded by Crackonosh (via StartupCheckLibrary.dll, winrmsrv.exe, winscomrssrv.dll).
StartupCheckLibrary.dll is the way how the author of Crackonosh can download updates of Crackonosh on infected machines. Startupchecklibrary.dll queries TXT DNS records for domains first[.]universalwebsolutions[.]info and second[.]universalwebsolutions[.]info (or other TLDs like getnewupdatesdownload[.]net and webpublicservices[.]org). There are TXT DNS records like ajdbficadbbfC@@@FEpHw7Hn33. From the first twelve letters it computes the IP address as shown on image. Next five characters are the digits of the port encrypted by adding 16. This gives us a socket, where to download wksprtcli.dll. The last eight characters are the version. Downloaded data is validated against one of the Public keys stored in the config file.
Wksprtcli.dll (exports DllGetClassObjectMain) is updating older versions of Crackonosh. The oldest version of wksprtcli.dll that we found checks only the nonexistence of winlogui.exe. Then it deletes diskdriver.exe (previous coinminer) and autostart registry entry. The newest version has a time frame when it runs. It deletes older versions of winlogui.exe or diskdriver.exe and drops new version of winlogui.exe. It drops new config files and installs winrmsrv.exe and winscomrssrv.dll. It also changed the way of starting winlogui.exe from registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run to a task scheduled on user login.
Wksprtcli.dll also checks computer time. The reason may be not to overwrite newer versions and to make dynamic analysis harder. It also has written date after which it to stop winlogui task to be able to replace files.
First, in the config file, there is offset (49863) and range (33575) defined. For every port there is computed SHA-256 from date (days from Unix Epoch time) and 10 B from config file. Every port is then set as offset plus the first word of SHA moduled by range (offset + (2 B of SHA % range)).
In summary, Crackonosh shows the risks in downloading cracked software and demonstrates that it is highly profitable for attackers. Crackonosh has been circulating since at least June 2018 and has yielded over $2,000,000 USD for its authors in Monero from over 222,000 infected systems worldwide.
As mentioned above, the Hacktool:Win32/Keygen tool allows users to "crack" (illegally register) various software. It simply forges activation keys/license files to trick programs into believing that they are activated. This tool itself is not harmful (other than it diminishes the revenue of software developers), but is often distributed together with viruses.
Note that the Hacktool:Win32/Keygen tool appearance can differ. There are a number of different "cracks" that use Hacktool:Win32/Keygen source code. Therefore, if you have recently used any tools to illegally activate software, you should scan the system with a reputable anti-virus/anti-spyware suite and eliminate all threats.
IMPORTANT NOTE! Using "keygens", "cracks", or other third party tools to bypass software activation is illegal and should not be considered. Software piracy is a serious crime and can lead to prosecution.
In most cases, software "cracks" can be downloaded from dubious sources, such as free file hosting websites, freeware download websites, and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. In some cases, these tools are proliferated together with chosen software installation setups.
You should write down its full path and name. Note that some malware hides process names under legitimate Windows process names. At this stage, it is very important to avoid removing system files. After you locate the suspicious program you wish to remove, right click your mouse over its name and choose "Delete".
After removing the malware through the Autoruns application (this ensures that the malware will not run automatically on the next system startup), you should search for the malware name on your computer. Be sure to enable hidden files and folders before proceeding. If you find the filename of the malware, remove it.
But when the subscription-based Adobe Creative Cloud was introduced in 2015 the process became a little more difficult due, in part, to some versions of the setup program Adobe distributes not working well in Wine.
CamStudio is a desktop software for Windows computers that can record all on-screen video and audio activity, creating industry-standard AVI video files and optionally turn those into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer.
And if all that wasn't enough, CamStudio also comes with its own Lossless Codec that produces crystal clear results with a much smaller filesize compared with other more popular codecs, like Microsoft Video 1.
But all of these features would be worthless if CamStudio wasn't easy to use ... fortunately that's not the case. CamStudio can be learned in a matter of minutes and comes with a comprehensive built-in helpfile, so if you do manage to get stuck, you can simply hit "Help" and get the answers you need.
If your computer's memory or virtual memory usage starts climbing rapidly when viewing a SWF authored by CamStudio to the point when your PC locks up so you have to reboot it, recreate the SWF from your source AVI file and in SWF Producer, make sure you select the Advanced tab and check the Memory Management tickbox (Manage Flash player internal memory). That should sort the problem out. Thanks to Ben Ward for the fix.
So, at some point in the near future I'd like to start accepting donations so any coders that work on this project will get some kind of financial reward in addition to the warm, fuzzy feeling they get from helping to resurrect this cracking piece of software ... so if you're feeling generous, please get in touch at the email address above and let me know.
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This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; Version 2 (or later) with the clarifications and exceptions described in the license file. This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redistribute this software under certain conditions. If you wish to embed sqlmap technology into proprietary software, we sell alternative licenses(contact sales@sqlmap.org).
Payload, are malicious scripts that an attacker use to interact with a target machine in order to compromise it. Msfvenom supports the following platform and format to generate the payload. The output format could be in the form of executable files such as exe,php,dll or as a one-liner.
Windows Installer is also known as Microsoft Installer. An MSI file is a Windows package that provides installation information for a certain installer, such as the programs that need to be installed. It can be used to install Windows updates or third-party software same like exe.
This variant involves the Glupteba infrastructure and malware installers (such as setup_installer.exe). The Glupteba botnet has been known to researchers since 2011. It is a multi-module platform that has at different times downloaded adware, spyware, cryptocurrency miners, ransomware, spam modules, and other software traditionally associated with cybercriminal activities. The Glupteba platform is quite complicated and includes numerous different modules, such as exploits for various vulnerabilities, including exploits for routers, as well as rootkits. This is why rootkits, modules of the EternalBlue exploit, and other Glupteba modules are found on computers infected with PseudoManuscrypt via the Glupteba botnet.
Next, the malware extracts, to the %TEMP% folder or the %WinDir% folder (depending on the malware modification), the loader component, which is a DLL library and has a random file name in the [0-Z]{10}.tmp format, e.g., I59RFRLY9J.tmp. 2b1af7f3a8