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I'm a fan of strategy games, but my experience with them is mostly limited to the likes of Civilization: Beyond Earth and Axis & Allies. So when I got the chance to play Total Annihilation and see it in action, I was a little skeptical. It seemed a little daunting when I was handed a controller and told to get into the action. But after a few minutes, I started to adapt to the pace of the game.
I'm a fan of strategy games, but my experience with them is mostly limited to the likes of Civilization: Beyond Earth and Axis & Allies. So when I got the chance to play Total Annihilation and see it in action, I was a little skeptical. It seemed a little daunting when I was handed a controller and told to get into the action. But after a few minutes, I started to adapt to the pace of the game. After all, you can't ignore that Total Annihilation came out in 1997, and it's a fantastic game.
The best way to experience the game is to watch the following animation, in which the player takes on the role of a leader attempting to unite the three earth factions. It's impossible not to, really, as it's a brilliant piece of story-telling, as well as a scientific achievement. For me, it's the first time I've been truly gripped by a game's narrative. The real-time aspect - which allows the player to jump into the action in the middle of a battle - is also both a powerful and tantalising feature. I'm still having nightmares about the sheer bloody firepower of the 'fleet' that is trying to take over my planet.
When the Earth has been destroyed, the survivors and whatever technology they have left after the cataclysm call for backup - the Lunar Corporation ships to the station they're on, and McAfee knows he'll be able to use the override system to his advantage. He also knows the station has a nuclear reactor, and that gives him the leverage he needs to extract a ransom for the data, as the corporation is desperate to get the information they need to launch a second attack on Earth.
Finishing for the holidays, Earth 2160 comes out on November 2. I'm gonna give it a 9, and I think you'll find that's a better rating than it deserves. I've only played the PC version - no Mac, I swear - and the promise of Steam support is a real incentive for me to get it up and running. Even my fiancee, a long-time PC gamer, was taken aback by the visuals and sound of the demo and had a good laugh at the end when the guys decided to just up and leave with the one copy. I can't wait to get back to it.
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