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As our graduates embark on their careers, we anticipate each will have an exceptional impact on the patients and communities that they serve, and will act as multipliers to continue the growth of research developments and socially accountable activities within their future peer groups.
Note: Before completing any of the below items, email NAVCENT Public Affairs at navcentpao@me.navy.mil to request an embark. Include name, organization, number of personnel, type of media, what specific asset you wish to embark (if any preference), and a brief synopsis of intended coverage.
Have a passion for diversity Want to build a community from the very beginning of your Rollins experience Shape your college journey with great connections and personal development, fun adventures, and new friends! Incoming students are able to apply now! Questions Let us know! Email us at embark@rollins.edu.
A dynamic education marketplace with growing options encourages innovation and helps more students find a school that puts them on the path to success. By working alongside school founders as they embark on the exciting journey of starting a new school, we hope to make Mississippi a place where leaders have the support they need to create and open new schools and where students have a variety of options to meet their needs.
Embark is a high school-to-college transition program designed to help high school students who are undecided about their future learn more about their college options. Embark offers students individualized encouragement and guidance through the college admissions process, and personalized financial aid support in their senior year. Embark students who do choose to attend a Maine community college are then eligible for a two year scholarship and continued personalized support and guidance in college. High schools select students to participate in their junior/senior year and then nominate seniors for the scholarship opportunity. The program is offered in over 80 high schools statewide. For more information, ask your high school guidance counselor or visit embark@mccs.me.edu 59ce067264