From Dusk Till Dawn Episode 1
The first season of From Dusk Till Dawn was nothing short of an absolute train wreck. Ten episodes that felt like twenty, its attempt at re-telling the story from the film fell way short of quality & what it did change, it changed for the worse.
Also returning to don his Stetson after kicking plenty of culebra ass in the season 2 finale is Freddie Gonzalez (Jesse Garcia). The former Texas Ranger has transitioned into his role as Peacekeeper among the Lords and their culebra clans, but you can tell that he is still haunted by being away from his wife and daughter. As the moral compass of the series up until this point, it will be interesting to see if Gonzalez changes for the better or worse the longer he bears the weight of keeping the culebras in line.
El Rey including a mysterious individual making his way to Jed's. Seth tries to escape from the factory outside of Jed's although he is then ambushed by Aribiter and more of Malvado's men and is taken to his torture room; while there briefly captive, he finds Greely who is still alive although half-mutilated and both then escape when Seth shoves Aribiter into a cell who is killed by culebra prisoners. Carlos and his group find the mysterious well as he uses the ancient key to unlock the pool of blood. 1e1e36bf2d