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Materials have been housed in archival plastic bags and boards within acid-free boxes. Culinary ephemera materials acquired before January 2018 were cataloged using MARC at the box level. These records were converted to EAD using an XSLT style sheet and edited together based on subject.
Forms part of the Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive. This collection includes promotional materials relating to fruits, vegetables, and nuts in fresh, dried, canned, frozen, and juiced forms. Publications date from 1885-2003, with most materials from the 1920s-1980s. Although a few vegetables appear, such as corn, potatoes, and mushrooms, the bulk of this collection consists of publications promoting fruit (especially cranberries, bananas, citrus fruits, pineapple, and raisins), and nuts (especially coocnuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, and peanuts).
Item [14] promotes bananas. Most recipes call for using an "automatic refrigerator" for freezing; some call for a "crank freezer." Recipes are for variations of banana ice cream, mousse, sherbet, and milk shakes.
Item [24] promotes bananas with illustrated recipes. Most recipes are attributed to movies. Sample movie titles: Chiquita Banana wins a medal and Chiquita Banana tells a fortune. Two copies: one printed in 1950; second printed in 1951.
Item [1] promotes Amaizo Corn Oil. Includes Native American and product packaging illustrations; index; and temperature table for frying, baking, and sugar syrups. Sample recipes: cod fish balls and mocha layer cake. Offer of free [1] laid in.
Item [10] promotes Ocean Spray cranberries for cooking and in juices. Includes serving suggestion illustration and growing, freezing, and nutrition information. Some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: cranberry cordial, cranberry grilled ham, pita sandwich with cranberry topping, and cranberry orange sauce. Accompanied by a letter and envelope.
Item [17] promotes California citrus fruits with Sunkist brochure in form of domestic science lesson. Includes questions for review and offer of free Sunkist recipe booklet from Education Dept., California Fruit Growers Exchange. Sample recipes: aspic ring salad, spinach salad with asparagus tips, duck and orange salad, and grapefruit and crab salad.
Item [30] promotes Adcock pecans from Georgia. Includes buying and storing hints, history of papershell pecan variety, and offer of free price list. Sample recipes: coconut pecan bonbons, old fashioned toasted pecans, and pecan pound cake.
Item [3] written in "the interest of better health," promotes citrus fruits and especially Sunkist oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. Includes list of standard reference books on foods and health published between 1926 and 1931; reasons why citrus fruits help in a healthy diet; remarks on importance of vitamins, in particular vitamin C, and vitamin C equivalents in citrus fruits and other foods; value of citrus fruits in fighting dental problems, acidosis, colds, and flu; suggested balanced diet; tips for losing weight with tables of average heights and weights for men and women; and list of free booklets available from California Fruit Growers Exchange. No recipes. Marked 852--2-32.
Item [5] promotes Sunkist oranges and lemons. Includes suggestions for serving oranges at breakfast; list of recipes for breakfast, luncheon and dinner, special refreshments, child's diet, and invalid diet; description of food and health value of citrus fruits; how to section an orange free from membrane; household uses of lemons; flavor uses of orange and lemon peel; entertainment suggestions; illustrations of hostess in period dress, serving suggestions, Sunkist juicer, and Sunkist reamer; and index. Sample recipes: orange bread, bitter orange marmalade, and lemon sherbet. Marked: 651.
Item [19] promotes Florida citrus fruits. Includes 22 recipes, each a prize winner in one of four Florida Sunshine recipe contests sponsored by Florida Dept. of Citrus; for each recipe, name and company of cook; directions for sectioning a Florida orange and preparing Florida grapefruit halves; information on the nutrients in Florida citrus; tips on buying and storing fresh citrus fruit and reconstituting frozen concentrated citrus juice; illustrations of prize winners and serving suggestions; and index. Sample recipes: orange soufflé, citrus lake trout sweet and sour, and bubbly holiday eggnog.
Item [15] promotes Karo. Includes remarks on benefits of dextrose in which Karo is rich; accepted seal of American Medical Association denoting that Karo is acceptable to its Council on Food; notes on measurements; offer of pouring spout for Karo cans for name and address sent on back of Karo label; offer of free booklet "The food of the infant and the growing child"; statement by Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe that Karo is only syrup served to Dionne quintuplets; illustrations of product packaging, Dr. Dafoe, and serving suggestions; and index. Sample recipes: date bread, sweet potatoes Hawaiian, and seven minute icing. Serial A2.
Item [20] promotes Kre-Mel chocolate flavored mix. Includes 14 recipes; address to write for recipes using Karo, Kre-Mel, and Mazola; and product packaging and serving suggestion illustrations. Sample recipes: instant chocolate sauce, freezer ice cream, and Kre-Mel mix fudge. Marked: A-165-1.
Item [29] promotes Staley's syrups. Includes directions for freezing fruits and berries and for home canning; and illustrations of recipe ingredients and serving suggestions. Sample recipes: taffy apples, Harvard beets, and maple ice box cake.
Item [4] promotes Cream corn starch. Includes reasons for using Cream corn starch as thickening agent; ideas for using corn starch, illustrated on ladder steps; directions for making cake flour from bread flour; 6 recipes; offer of free cook book from Staley Sales Corporation; and illustrations of family eating dinner, product packaging, and serving suggestions. Sample recipes: lemon pie and Cream corn starch scones. 2 copies (identical except that one includes illustration of lemon pie not in other).
Item [13] promotes Florida citrus fruits. Includes illustrated history of citrus fruit with beginnings in the Far East in antiquity, arrival of citrus fruit in the New World brought by Ponce de Leon, discovery of vitamin C and its effect on health, and development of frozen and canned fruits making citrus fruits available year round; instructions for making della Robbia wreaths and pomander balls; directions for sectioning and halving grapefruit; description of varieties of citrus fruit grown in Florida and when they are in season; serving suggestion illustrations; and index. Sample recipes: southern citrus salad, orange meringue pie, and trout with grapefruit sauce.
Item [1], by Lena E. Sturges, promotes Florida mangos (some contributed by Olga Kent). Includes mango recipes; notes on freezing and canning mangos; and footnote that "much of this material was taken from 'The luxurious mango' by Isabelle Thursby". Sample recipes: spiced mangos and mango Bavarian cream. Circular 161.
Item [10] promotes Lindsay pitted ripe olives and Spice Islands herbs and spices. Includes 4 salad recipes, free offer of more recipes, and product packaging illustration. Sample recipe: shrimp curry salad.
Item [12], by Lena E. Sturges, promotes Florida papaya. Includes notes on nutritional value, use of flesh and seeds, and canning and freezing papaya. Sample recipes: papaya citrus salad, papaya pie, and papaya-pineapple marmalade. Circular 162.
Item [25] prepared under the direction of Florence La Ganke Harris, home economics director of National Potato Chip Institute, Inc., promotes potato chips. Companion piece to movie, "Thank you, Mr Chips," which tells story of first potato chip and takes us through modern potato chip plant. Includes suggestions for menus, table settings (illustrated ), and recipes for variety of social occasions and serving suggestion illustrations. Sample recipes: cheese and nut loaf, Welsh rabbit on potato chips, and potato chip rimmed apple pie.
Item [14], designed ready for mailing, promotes Dole canned pineapple. Includes 8 recipes; 3 ways to use pineapple; serving suggestion illustrations; and address to write for more pineapple recipes. Sample recipes: tropical pork satay, Chinese pineapple beef, and frozen pineapple-lemon pie.
Item [3] promotes Cream Corn Starch. Includes six recipes; illustrated list of uses; instructions for making cake flour; offer for free recipe book; and family in period dress, product packaging, and serving suggestion images. Sample recipe: Cream Corn Starch pudding. Marked: 525039.
Item [4] promotes Staley's Cream Corn Starch, Gloss Starch Cubes, Golden Table Syrup, Crystal White Syrup, Breakfast Syrup, and Sorghum Flavored Syrup. Includes twelve sauce recipes; offer for free recipe book; and woman in period dress, serving suggestion and product packaging illustrations. Sample recipes: Colette's sauce, hard sauce, and raisin sauce.
Item [5] promotes Staley's Gloss Starch Cubes. Includes instruction and advice for laundry use; advice on other household uses; coupon for free product with purchase of Cream Corn Starch; and images of men and women in period dress and product packaging. No recipes.
Item [6] promotes Mazola Corn Oil, an official sponsor of the 1988 U.S. Olympic Team, and was free with product purchase. Includes dressing, salad, bread, fish, fried, entree, sauce, stir fry, dessert, cake, and cookie recipes; previous dated product, advertising, and ephemera images; brief product history; offer for additional copies; Best Foods product list; women in period dress, product packaging, and serving suggestion illustrations; and index. Sample recipes: radish rose salad, no-cholesterol orange cake, and fish nouvelle. Marked: 8309-86-81. 2b1af7f3a8