How To Start Legacy Of The Dragonborn
This is the standard start quest for Legacy of the Dragonborn. It is skipped if using Alternate Start - Live Another Life and the Relic Hunter - Guildmaster Start addon which lead into variations of the quest 'Dragonborn Gallery'.
Eternal Ice is a small side quest where you collect six Icy Shards in order to (re)create Hrormir's Icestaff at the Coldforge in Windcaller's Retreat. The quest can be started during The Excavation of Windcaller Pass.
This mod adds an unmarked quest to finish the armor as well as an official start for Legacy's crusader relics quest, and adds in a more lore friendly story of the 4th era Knights of the Nine. It is script free and as such should make it mergeable, but does still have a lot of work to be done.
This addon was newly released alongside Version 19. It is a variation on the Alternate Start where the player starts as the Guildmaster of the Explorer's Society. It skips A Room with a View and Digging Up Explorers and gives the player several explorer relics from the start.
In order to start the Legacy of the Dragonborn quest, you must first speak to the librarian at the College of Winterhold. She will tell you about a book that you must find and bring back to her. Once you have the book, you must then read it and complete the quest.
Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. You will be given the opportunity to choose your race and then choose a new life for your character to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available. What you choose will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake you again!
First things first. You need to be sure the main quest has been started before you can uninstall this mod. The quest "Live Another Life" must have been marked as completed, AND you must have "Before the Storm" listed in your journal. Uninstalling prior to this will break the main quest as well as the civil war.
For most of the starts, it will appear as though your "Live Another Life" quest has stalled. You will not have an active objective telling you where to go next. When you are ready to begin pursuing the main quest, talk to an innkeeper and ask them for rumors. You'll be given a generic rumor about Helgen and told to travel there. You can also simply go to Helgen on your own without anyone telling you to do so.
The main quest will also start if you join the Civil War, complete the first two missions for your chosen side, and then get sent to Whiterun. Once there, you'll find Whiterun closed. If you manage to bribe or persuade your way in, the next guard you pass by who delivers the line about Helgen being hit by a dragon will resolve the beginning portion. Otherwise asking them what they mean by dragons will get you pointed toward Helgen and you can proceed from there.
If you somehow avoid all the guards and get into Dragonsreach without ever hearing about Helgen, the MQ will be force-started upon entering the main hall. Sorry, but this failsafe is required because it is not possible to advance the Civil War until Bleak Falls Barrow and Dragon Rising have been completed. Bethesda did not supply dialogue to allow for a Stormcloak takeover of Whiterun before starting the Main Quest.
City Guard - the example extension provided on the Nexus page for LAL.Legacy of the Dragonborn - An extension to allow you start as a relic hunter for the mod's museum in Solitude.Death Alternative - Alternate Start Addon - Various options to start as a slave and/or captive.Salmon Shack - LAL Version - Start option utilizing MannyGT's Salmon Shack.New Beginnings - Several new start options using the extension framework.
Return to Helgen (by Giskard) - This mod is only partially compatible with LAL. If you plan to use them together, you must trigger the events at Helgen BEFORE venturing to the city of Solitude. Going to Solitude before Helgen will completely break the chain of events and render the MQ unstartable, as well as potentially disrupting the Civil War permanently. Starts in or immediately near Solitude will be disabled in LAL as long as Return to Helgen is installed.
Shlongs of Skyrim (ugh, yes, there really is a mod about that) - This has been reported to completely mess up the cart ride for the vanilla start option. If you're going to use that mod, it is best to wait until you're off the carts and inside the keep before installing it.
Better Vampires - No issues should arise from using LAL and BV together. Even the vampire start should work properly as the method LAL uses to change you into one uses script calls BV retains in its edited version of the player's vampire quest.
When choosing one of the two civil war starts, you are strongly advised to let the Jagged Crown scene play out. If you don't, the quest may fail to start and the entire civil war quest line will get jammed.
Some quests in a major city you pick a start for may not be available until after you've left that city and returned later. This is normal. It's due to how "Change Location" events work in the game and there's nothing that can be done about it.
If you pick the ship arrival start for Raven Rock, the mouse is not being locked down for some reason when the function is called to run the animated ship ride. No know solution for this exists as of yet. Avoid moving the mouse. It will disrupt the scene, even though the boat will arrive properly. It just looks goofy as hell.
This is a commonly mentioned problem that's caused by using Enhanced Character Edit alongside starting with LAL. It is not a problem with this mod, and it's unknown exactly why ECE does the camera thing the way it does.
Actually, no, it's not broken. Upgrading a save when you're still in the prison cell is not supported, never has been, and is a source of bugs. The message telling you to start a new game was added to make sure people are aware of this. Do not attempt to continue on with your game in this state as it WILL cause you problems.
The only known cause for this is using a body mod with a mismatched skeleton that's not compatible with it. When the bed is used, your character gets stripped of the prison clothing and your new equipment is added based on what you started as. It is this process that causes the issue when a skeleton mod that doesn't match the body is used. Something to do with bones the body mod is looking for that the skeleton doesn't have. Oddly enough, this tends to only happen on female characters. I have no idea why that is.
Not exactly. The quest remains active because it's necessary for it to do so. Go speak to an innkeeper to pick up on it. Any properly configured innkeeper will have a rumors topic that should get things started.
This issue has been reported on occasion to occur in conjunction with Immersive Armors.Immersive Armors has a toggle switch within its MCM menu that should resolve this problem while using an alternate start mod.
For those who wish to use this to play through the original game start at Helgen, this option will streamline the process to skip the race selection dialogue during the lead up to your execution. All of the tutorial prompts will be removed as well.
With this start option, 3 lockpicks will appear in the soul gem holder. Pick the lock on the jail cell door and win your freedom. It's that simple. You will simply begin the game proper as soon as you've climbed up the stairs. Until doing so, you can still go back and ask Mara for another option. After that, you're committed.
You will arrive by ship in the port of Solitude, Dawnstar, Windhelm, or Raven Rock with little more than some basic supplies, middle class clothing, and a decent sum of gold to start over upon your arrival.
You will start off with the fully furnished house of your choice in one of 4 major cities. Windhelm is not included due to the quest that interacts directly with the house there. Raven Rock is similarly not included due to the attached quest involved with acquiring that property.
Each house will start you off with appropriate class clothing and some leftover cash to spend. There will also be a selection of weapons fitting to the city available on the storage chest in the bedroom.
Alternatively, you can choose from one of the 3 Hearthfire houses. For these, you will start off with a fully furnished Entry Way, Main Hall, Cellar, and all exterior additions. The only thing which will not be enabled is the bard since the bard specifically mentions your steward you don't have yet. The drafting table outside should be ready to go with whatever additions you want on the house afterward.
You will be a new recruit in one of the joinable factions in the game. The Companions, College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, The Dawnguard, or the Volkihar Vampires (Lord Harkon's Court). Your starting equipment will be geared toward the faction you have chosen.
For the Thieves Guild, you will begin just inside the Ragged Flagon, having just emerged from the Ratway. Talk to Brynjolf to seal the deal.For the Dark Brotherhood, you will begin immediately inside the Falkreath Sanctuary and need only speak to Astrid to complete the process.For the College, you'll be placed just outside the Hall of Elements and will have completed the initial joining phase.For the Companions, you'll begin in Jorvaskr and begin with the mission to train with Varkas.For the Dawnguard, you'll start off in Fort Dawnguard ready to pick up the questline just after Bloodlines.For the Volkihar, you'll start off in Harkon's castle just after being bitten and becoming a vampire lord.
You will begin as a member of a group of bandits. For the sake of variety, the group of bandits will be chosen at random, from any properly configured bandit lair in either Tamriel or Solstheim. You will begin with standard bandit level equipment. The bandit faction at the start location will remain friendly to you as long as you don't piss them off first. Tread carefully though, you WILL have a bounty of 1500 gold in the hold the game chooses. The guards will not take kindly to seeing you trotting into a civilized area unless you're prepared to pay up. 2b1af7f3a8