Ipi Mocap Studio 2.0 Crackl _BEST_
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A two-part markerless mocap system for indie studiosiPi Motion Capture systems provide indie studios with a full-body mocap set-up based around commercial depth sensors and cameras.
Tags: 120fps, action camera, Astra Pro, Asus, Azure Kinect, BVH, C922 Pro, depth sensor, FBX, full-body tracking, game art, game development, Game Engine, GoPro, hand tracking, head tracking, Intel, iPi Mocap Studio, iPi Mocap Studio 4.0, iPi Mocap Studio 4.1, iPi Mocap Studio 4.2, iPi Mocap Studio 4.3, iPi Mocap Studio 4.4, iPi Motion Capture, iPi Motion Capture 4.0, iPi Motion Capture 4.1, iPi Motion Capture 4.2, iPi Motion Capture 4.3, iPi Motion Capture 4.4, iPi Recorder, iPi Soft, Kinect, Logitech, markerless, microsoft, mocap, motion capture, new features, perpetual licence, previs, price, PS3 Eye, real-time preview, RealSense, SJCAM, Sony, streaming, track individual body part, UE4, Unity, Unreal Engine, vfx, virtual production, visual effects, webcam, wide angle, Xtion 2b1af7f3a8