IText Pro OCR Tool 1.2.5 Fix
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The WiX toolset is released under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL). A reciprocal license is used to ensure that others who build on the effort of the WiX community give back to the WiX community. Specifically the license requires that fixes and improvements to the WiX toolset must be published using the same license.
Sometimes the reciprocal license is incorrectly interpreted to also apply to bundles, packages, and custom actions built using the WiX toolset. The OuterCurve Foundation has previously provided this statement below to clarify which now the .NET Foundation reaffirms:
The WiX toolset (WiX) is licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL). The MS-RL governs the distribution of the software licensed under it, as well as derivative works, and incorporates the definition of a derivative work provided in U.S. copyright law. OuterCurve Foundation (and the .NET Foundation) does not view the installer packages generated by WiX as falling within the definition of a derivative work, merely because they are produced using WiX. Thus, the installer packages generated by WiX will normally fall outside the scope of the MS-RL, and any of your source code, binaries, libraries, routines or other software components that are incorporated in installer packages generated by WiX can be governed by other licensing terms. 153554b96e