Lyrics Soul-Crusher ? White Zombie
Most of the samples are ripped off from the movies"Faster pussycat Kill Kill" (R.Mayer) , "Shaft" Also available in Black 12" vinyl LP ; Limited edition Glow in the dark 12" VinylArtworks : Backcover,I've been asked about what are those skelleton gloves that rob has,and where to find them ? WELCOME TO PLANET MOTHERF*CKER / PSYCHOHOLIC SLAG LyricsGuitar tablatureVideo Does the video include the 2d part of the song, Psychoholic Slag ? Samples :0:00-0:25 , horor movie music (I think about Jule verne's Story from Disney ... 1000 miles under the sea --RzR )0:25-0:50 , sounds of explosions, crying @ Source: Urotsukidoji = Legend of the Overfiend (Japanimation) Episode # ?1:20 , Girl moaning sound echoed @ Sean Yseult1:30 , "You can kiss me" @ ??? unknown ???1:40 , Let's move... but let's take the back door. @ movie "Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!"2:16 , Screams @ ??? unknown ???2:44 ; ??? unknown ???4:00 ; Weird sound @ ??? unknown ???4:15 Do you have to open graves to find girls to fall in love with ? @ movie "The Mummy 1932" (asking about the archeolog seeking the mummy)4:34 Get up and kill @ movie "Dawn of the Dead"5:40 door, we need ??? happend ?? happening ??? value ??? @ ??? unknown ???KNUCKLE DUSTER (Radio1-A) Samples"??? hey ho, ??? no compre ..." @ ??? unknown ???" ??? none ??? these ?? go""??? let's mary on" @ ??? unknown ??? "These are the facts as we know them. There is an epidemic of mass murders being committed by a virtual army of unidentified assassasins." @movie"'Night of the Living Dead (1968)" "We know how fast we can go."Source: movie"Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!" THUNDER KISS '65This song was nominated for grammy in 1993 LyricsSamples : 0:00-0:01 @ ??? it goes ??? @ ??? unknown ??? 1:27 - 1:42 "??? I never try anything i just do it, wanna to try me ?"@ movie "Faster Pussycat kill ! kill !" AudioGuitar tablatureVideoRemixes (by KMFDM)Swinging Lovers MixSwinging Lovers Mix EditThe Remix That Wouldn't Die RemixThe Diabolical Ramrodder Remix [5:49] or [6:17]Finger on the Trigger Remix [6:11]Also covered live by GODSMACKand Fear Factory (separated) BLACK SUNSHINELyricsGripping the wheel, his knuckles went white with desire! The wheels of his Mustang exploding on the highway like a slug from a .45. True death: 400 horsepower of maximum performance piercing the night... THIS IS BLACK SUNSHINE.Finally nothing moves. High noon - Blacktop rolling below the asphalt drive. A concrete fascination scraping the edge of nothing! THIS IS BLACK SUNSHINE! Those spoken words at the begining and ends are from Iggy PoPGuitar & Bass TablatureVideoIggy plays a writer in it.Samples :3:03 , girls screaming @ ??? unknown ???3:25 ,"I work on this baby the same way, trying to get maximum performance." @ movie "Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!" Remixes (by KMFDM) Indestructible "Sock It To Me" Psycho-Head Mix EditSOUL CRUSHERLyrics [Bruning like fat in the fire the smell of red, red groove screamed mega-flowA stalking ground without prey. A flash of superstition whimpering like a crippled animal.Dogs of the Soul-Crusher! Pulling closer like the blue steel jaws of hell ] is that Iggy Pop spoken words ,too ?Guitar Tablature Guitar riff as cool as MetallicA's seek and destroyInfo : The topic of this song could be the "Clockwork Orange" movie.Sample :"dumb bastards" @ from Dawn of the Dead (Directed by George Romero, 1978).COSMIC MONSTER INC.LyricsSamples 0:00 "Meanwhile behind the facade of this innocent looking bookstore..." is from Batman (TV Series)1:16, 1:55 "let's going on" 1:26, 2.10 "You're all shook up aren't you baby?" @ movie "Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!" 3:20"They come from the bowels of hell. A transformed race of walking dead. Zombies guided by a master plan for complete domination of the earth." @ movie"Plan 9 From Outer Space" ,Also "They come from the bowels of hell" is from an advertissement for some B horror movie (a story w/ 2 zombies and 1 Vampire)4:16 " ??? about the truth ??? live " [ Did you get it ? ]SPIDERBABY (yeah-yeah-yeah)LyricsInfo :This could be a familly song (Spider is Rob's bro nickname)"Spider Baby" is also the name of a 1964 horror-comedy Samples :0:00 bell sounds ; 2:30 ; 4:00 I AM LEGENDLyricsGuitar TablatureInfo This may be related to Richard Matheson novel "I am a legend". This scenario has been adapted at least twice in a movie such as "The Omega Man" , Sample: 0:00-1:30 KNUCKLE DUSTER(Radio2-B)Sample... and what we have to ask is why is it that god has ??? first of all ??? E quento do ??? ??? and finally ??? "homelessness and all that..." Source: Rush Limbaugh"and now the voice you are waiting for"THRUSTLyricsGuitar tabSamples : [0:00] (spoken in Japanese ... ) [ can anyone translate ? rob explained something like "die stupid old man !!!" ] is taken directly from the anime "Legend of the Overfiend" as are a few more samples from the album that are just strange noises. One is the amplified and echoed (really echoed) sound of a baby crying and another is the sound of some crazy ass shit happening on earth, energy sounds and stuff that is hard to explain. -- rastas/GoodTime Slim - [1:50]"It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and commiting acts of murder. Wide spread investigation of reports from funeral homes, morgues, and hospitals has concluded that the unburied dead are coming back to life and seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to believe what we're reporting to you, but it does seem to be a factor." @ movie "Night of the living dead" 1968[2:50] ??? sound of ??? day and night ONE BIG CHURCHSamples Music box noises @ movie "Night of the Living Dead" (1968) "Only parts of the corpses have been removed" @ movie "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" "He steps to the water and plunges in, making far more impression on his skull than on the lady" GRINDHOUSE (A go-go)Lyrics Sample : 02:10 STARFACE Lyrics[Is Iggy pop singing along on this song ?] InfoThe song might be about startrek, due to the bizzare sample at the begining. Samples: 2:30, 2:40"One. We are one. One is the begining. Are you one Herbert." "I am not Herbert... I am not Herbert... I am not Herbert... I am not Herbert...""X minus 5 seconds...4...3...2...1...0!" 04:50 "Boy Herbert, are you stiff!" Source: Star Trek (TV Series - "The Way To Eden", episode 75) WARP ASYLUMLyricsGuitar TablatureSamples : 0:00 , 5:506:12 "thank you for ??? god bless you ??? have a ??? and goodnight" 6:23 "a few ??? sentencies ??? have allready ??? if you play the record a few more times, you'll amazed how easly you are begining to understand "Info: In a undergound zine published in Dallas,TX around 94 or 95 , J. said he recalled how they were forced to remove a sample of Charles Manson from the song 'Warp Asylum'. He also said that they were only forced to do so AFTER Manson's Lawyers heard the song on a promo cassette that was sent out VERY early in the La Sexorcisto production sessions. They were and I quote 'White Label Promo Cassettes' of rough mix versions of the songs. 2b1af7f3a8