New Vegas Operation Fixed Terrain [UPD]
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National Air Security Operations-Grand Forks (NASOC-GF) operates fixed and rotary-wing aircraft and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) from Grand Forks Air Force Base. NASOC-GF conducts initial and recurrent UAS training, and enforcement operations with manned and unmanned aircraft. Additionally, NASOC-GF aids in disaster relief and emergency response efforts of its federal, state, local and tribal partners.
Helitack crews are teams of firefighters who are transported by helicopter to wildfires. Helicopters provide rapid transport, enabling helitack crews to quickly respond and assess a wildfire situation. Helitack crews may land near a wildfire or, if equipped and trained, rappel from a hovering helicopter. Once on the ground, crews build firelines using hand tools, chainsaws, and other firefighting tools. They often remain overnight in remote locations. After they have completed their assignment, crew members may pack up to 120 pounds of equipment over difficult terrain to reach a pick-up point. Rappellers often prepare helispots (helicopter landing zones) that provide better access to a fire. Helicopter crew members may also perform other duties such as tree falling, firing operations, delivering people and equipment, and managing helibases.
- added VIDDA LEGACY VERSION to Norway based terrains- created new Philippines/Indonesia based Terrains category and relocated Dalma_Island to it- fixed some misspells of terrains- fixed order of certain terrains in a few categories as they were out of alphabetical order (may be more)- renamed Australia category to Australia/Archipelago & Fiji based Terrain- relocated the category France based Terrains as it wasn't in alphabetical order- relocated Chernarus Isles to Eastern European based Terrains- relocated Cold War Rearmed III - Canard Island to Australia- relocated Arean Island to Greece based terrains- reloacted Cham to Germany based terrains- relocated Bornholm to Sweden based terrains- removed the North European based Terrains category- relocated Angel Island v1.3 to USA based terrains- relocated Block Island to USA based terrains- relocated Diaoyu Islands (Lighting Fixed) to Asia based Terrains- relcoated Evergreen to Greece based terrains- relocated FalskeIsland to Norway based terrains- relocated Germany and Greece based terrains categories as they weren't in alphabetical order- relocated Gulfcoast Islands to USA based terrains- relocated hotze_islands_2010 to Operation Flashpoint based terrains- relocated Imrali Island to Turkey based terrains- relocated Isla Duala to Africa based terrains- relocated Isla Tova to South America based terrains- relocated Island Panthera to Eastern European based terrains- relocated isles_of_cumbrae to England, Ireland, & Scotland based Terrains- relocated Kelley's Island to USA based terrains- relocated kerama Islands By [Vétérans] to Asia based terrains- relocated Kihnu Island preview to Eastern European based terrains- relocated Krasnorus to Eastern European based terrains- relocated Krasnorus to Eastern European based terrains- relocated Lingor/Dingor Island to South America based terrains- relocated Little St. James Island to USA based terrains- relocated Los Santos Island to USA based terrains- relocated Malvinas West Sector (80km) [WIP v0.3.5] to England, Ireland, & Scotland based Terrains- relocated Napf Island A3 to Eastern European based terrains- relocated Porquerolles Island By [Vétérans] to France based terrains- relocated Ryderwood Island to USA based terrains- relocated Saba Island to South America based terrains- relocated Senkaku Islands to Asia based terrains- relocated Tembelan Island to Philippines/Indonesia based Terrains- relocated Tilos: Greek Island ( Beta ) to Greece based terrains- relocated TSAU_Arabia to Africa based terrains- relocated Uhao island to Australia/Archipelago & Fiji based Terrain- relocated Vis to WW2 based terrains- relocated WBG: Woody Island to Asia based terrains- relocated X-CAM PROTOTYPE 1.1 to South America based terrains- relocated Jilu Islands to WW2 based terrains- relocated St-George island to Australia/Archipelago & Fiji based Terrain- relocated Kingdom of Regero to Australia/Archipelago & Fiji based Terrain
Similarly, textures with non-normalized integer image formats cannot be used with fixed-function. This is primarily because the mathematics behind texture environment computations is fundamentally rooted in floating-point operations. There are many other features of modern OpenGL that don't work in the fixed function pipeline. 153554b96e