One Chat 3.3 !!BETTER!!
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Thanks to this feature, the Livechat widget supported by the Omnichannel (one of the main entry-points of contact with customers) is now able to gather more information regarding customers. Now, besides name, email and Department, you can set the Livechat to ask relevant questions such as Size Of The Company, and other types of questions to help your support agents better understand the ticket:
In order to allow agents, regardless of their departments, to access past chats of a customer who previously contacted your support, just access Administration> Permissions> view-livechat-closed-by-another-agent> tick the box livechat-agent:
On the other hand, if you wish to allow that only agents from the same department are able to see past chats, follow the same previous instructions. Go to Administration> Permissions, but choose view-livechat-closed-same-department, then tick the box livechat-agent:
Never miss a query sent while your support team is offline anymore. If enabled, this new feature allows you to receive Livechat offline messages on a specific channel inside Rocket.Chat. There are two options to set up this feature:
If you are missing global chat channels from your chat tab, first ensure that you have joined them. To join a global channel, go to a major city (such as Orgrimmar or Stormwind), and type the command to join the missing channel(s):
This whitepaper describes the protocols used by Status to achieve Perfect Forward Secrecy for 1:1 chat participants. It builds on the X3DH and Double Ratchet specifications from Open Whisper Systems, with some adaptations to operate in a decentralized environment.
Whisper serves as the transport layer for the Status chat protocol. Whisper is a hybrid P2P/DHT communication protocol which delivers messages probabilistically. It is designed to provide configurable levels of darkness and plausible deniability at the expense of high-latency and relatively high bandwidth.
Prekey bundles are exchanged through QR codes, contact codes, 1:1 or public chat messages. We will be updating this document with information about bundle exchange through ENS and Swarm as work progresses and technologies become more usable. 153554b96e