One Strange Rock National Geographic Worksheet Answers 'LINK'
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Ask students to look at the glossary of Cherokee terms used in the lesson and make a list of the meanings of each one. Encourage them to include the American English term that is closest to the Cherokee term, and to explain any that are not listed. Ask students to develop a poster about Cherokee terms, how they were adopted into English, and the meanings of each. Have the class vote on the best poster of the week. Encourage students to sell their creations to class members for a small profit.
As students read the stories of the removal of the Cherokee Nation, they will identify elements of law and order that were in place in their state. Have students work in groups and create a list of the laws that were in place in the Cherokee Nation in 1839. Have each group make a poster describing the laws they included in their poster, and explain why they were important to the process of removal.Make the posters public and sell them in the class for a small profit.
Have students write, by hand or on a tablet or chalkboard, a list of the economic interests that influenced the Trail of Tears. Ask them to explain why the interests were important to the process of removal. Have them list the names of people and political groups who had influence in the nation's decision making process, and explain what role they played. (It is important to note that the Cherokees did not have a formal political system and were not represented in any public body.)
A Cherokee Nation Resource Web site ( has additional lesson plans on the Trail of Tears. Information on the Cherokee Nation is available from the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs website at:
The textbook, The Trail of Tears and the Forced Relocation of the Cherokee Nation by Richard White is available on The textbook, The Rise of the Cherokee Nation, 1776-1838, by Gary E. Moulton is also available through
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