Person Of Interest 5x9
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E a volta do personagem aconteceu dentro de um caso muito interessante e movimentado, cheio de reviravoltas, em que tramas aparentemente diversas acabaram por estarem todas conectadas a um plano insano elaborado por The Voice para eliminar a única pessoa que poderia identificá-lo. Devido à expectativa criada, talvez a revelação da identidade do vilão não tenha agradado a todos, porém entendo que a série acertou não apenas por não utilizar um ator muito conhecido (Neal Huff), como também por não o mostrar como alguém de forte personalidade, o que de certa forma contribuiu para não gerar desconfianças sobre ele. No mais, vale também destacar a atuação excelente tanto de Neal Huff como também de Rupak Ginn (Amir Saddiq), que interpretaram tanto as versões inocentes como as criminosas de seus personagens de maneiras bastante convincentes e distintas uma da outra.
Nei paragrafi dedicati a ciascun episodio sono indicate le \"persone d'interesse\" principali, le identità dei quali sono solitamente mostrate in anticipo nelle sigle di apertura di puntata. Sono, inoltre, segnalate le eventuali presenze di flashback e le occasionali anomalie concernenti le sigle dei rispettivi episodi.
La Macchina, nonostante sia tornata attiva, mostra molti errori e glitch causati dalla precedente compressione, che Harold e Root risolvono incessantemente. I numeri però continuano ad arrivare e vengono monitorati da Reese e Fusco. Molti di essi sono errori e ciò porta Harold a eseguire un test della contestualizzazione delle persone sulle tre risorse principali: John, Root e se stesso. Nell'analisi, la Macchina cataloga le risorse come minacce e allontana Root ed Harold sfruttando l'apparecchio acustico della prima, mentre ingaggia un sicario come admin per uccidere e fermare Reese. La causa degli errori verrà trovata nella serializzazione dei dati: infatti ogni momento viene chiamato \"Giorno R\", confondendo la Macchina. Dopo una chiacchierata sul passato, Harold riuscirà a far ragionare la Macchina, a salvare John e a rimettere in funzione l'intero sistema.
Reese e Finch indagano su un possibile crimine che dovrebbe avvenire alle nozze di Phoebe Turner, la figlia del proprietario di una importante scuderia di cavalli da corsa. Intanto Fusco indagando su un ingegnere civile del municipio corrotto, arriva ad un tunnel della metropolitana in demolizione dove scopre i cadaveri di numerose persone recentemente scomparse. Il detective riuscirà a scattare alcune foto ai corpi, ma le cariche verranno fatte detonare e Fusco rimarrà ferito nel crollo.
Following the renewal of Private Practice, it was announced that Benjamin Bratt would be returning to the show as a series regular, and his character was reviewed to be named, Jake Reilly.[2][3] It was also announced that Audra McDonald would not be returning as a series regular, but instead could possible return as a recurring cast member. The remaining regular cast including, Kate Walsh, Tim Daly, Paul Adelstein, KaDee Strickland, Brian Benben, Caterina Scorsone, Taye Diggs, and Amy Brenneman all returned in their roles as series regulars. In September 2011, it was announced that My So Called Life actress, A.J. Langer, was cast as Erica Warner, a recurring role as a woman who shows up in Cooper's life proclaiming they have an eight-year-old son together.[4] It was later announced that Griffin Gluck was cast as Mason Warner, the son that Cooper and Erica share together.[5] Later in the season, Griffin was billed as a series regular, while A.J. stayed as a recurring character as her character died. In November 2011, it was announced that Stephen Amell had been cast as Scott Becker, a paramedic that was also a potential love interest for Violet, seeing as Violet and Pete decided to split up after Pete's heart attack.[6]
In November 2011, Wes Brown had a recurring role as Ryan Kerrigan, a drug addict and a potential love interest for Amelia, but his character eventually dies pursuing Amelia to go to rehab.[7] In November 2011, it was announced that, Jessie star, Debby Ryan would be making a special guest appearance, as Hailey, a girl that Amelia meets while she is going through rehab for drug addiction.[8] In January 2012, it was announced that Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy would be having another crossover, and Patrick Dempsey and Chyler Leigh would be making a special guest appearance in an episode in an effort to save Erica's life.[9] In February 2012, it was announced that Anika Noni Rose had been cast in a recurring role as Corinne Bennett, who would play Sam's sister who drops in town for a visit.[10]
Customers are encouraged to continue to conduct RMV registration transactions by working through their insurance agents and auto dealers who are able to complete bulk transactions in-person through Business 2 Business (B2B) services (Chicopee RMV is strictly a B2B location and walk-ins cannot be conducted), electronically use the Electronic Vehicle Registration (EVR) Program.
Mark tells Ivy her dad will be in surgery for at least another hour, so she can take a nap. She's drinking coffee as she likes the taste. Mark tells her he was raised by parents who weren't interested in having kids. They weren't around much and he'd turn on all the TVs and every light in the house before he went to bed, and he still couldn't sleep. It's hard to sleep when you don't feel safe in your own house. Ivy understands the feeling. Mark takes the coffee from her and orders to sleep. He'll be there for her. She rests her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes.
A migraine patient is trying to get Thirteen to rush him through the clinic. Foreman comes in and asks Thirteen if she wants to participate in a Huntington's drug trial. She says she's not interested, and says she's not taking any treatment for her condition and brushes him off.
Thirteen treats the patient who was shot. The phone in the office rings, but the patient doesn't answer. Lieutenant Bowman arrives at the hospital to lead the SWAT team. Taub, Kutner and Cameron discuss the situation, and all of a sudden get a call from House. He puts both of his teams back together. Chase doesn't want to participate, noting that the patient isn't the only sick person \"in New Jersey with a pistol\". Foreman starts a differential. House uses the office wall as a whiteboard as his team starts a differential diagnosis. House realizes the patient has a way out as he gives House his address. House arranges to transfer a blood sample. The patient hears police snipers outside and tells Thirteen to open the blinds, showing the snipers. He tells them to back off. House realizes that the patient's hearing must have been extremely good to hear the snipers and thinks that it is a symptom. House notes the patient has facial palsy and thinks it is postherpetic neuralgia but the test is painful and dangerous unless he actually has it. The patient agrees to the test although the treatment is safe and painless because he needs to know right away. Bowman is negotiating terms for the medication. House tells the police not to be so rigid. Cuddy agrees to do the exchange although the police thinks she has an agenda.
Also see FDA News Release: FDA takes action to support American military personnel by granting an authorization for freeze-dried plasma product to enable broader access while the agency works toward approval of the product (July 10, 2018)
Laboratory personnel using Zika diagnostic assays under EUA are encouraged to report performance concerns directly to FDA at, in addition to reporting concerns to the manufacturer.
Aria drops by Caleb's cabin to see Hanna. Aria tells Hanna that she isn't the first person Zack has made a pass at, and that he is a \"big jerk internationally\". Hanna tells Aria that A stoked the fire, but Aria says it doesn't matter, he took the bait. Hanna asks Aria why she didn't believe her, and Aria tells her it wasn't so much she didn't believe her, she just wanted to believe her mom could find someone again and be happy. Aria asks Hanna for her forgiveness, and nodding, the two hug.
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