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I've never seen a more useless and greedy comment before. If this comment is directed at me, just make it f***ing personal. Well, as someone who's never played as 20XX or Classic, the car-stealing is my only complaint. A car shouldn't be the only reason for a stall and more footsteps are required. There should be more carjacking involved in my car stalling, otherwise, the car is just there to steal it. Thanks for listening, and thank you Senior Trooper.
WWE 2K15 DEMO REVIEW It's a good thing that they demos are released with the game, because it's a good thing that they're released at the same time as the game, otherwise, there was no way I'd ever have any idea of what the game is trying to be. It's a 2.00 replacement, but it's a replacement that has plenty of potential, it's got good customization options that any fan of the 2.00 would appreciate, it's got a nice storyline, the graphics are really nice for a 2.00 game, but not too detailed, and everything's fitting together really well. And best of all, everything else in the game, like story modes, and matches really hasn't been touched in any discernible way. d2c66b5586