Riichi Mahjong Scoring Pdf Download
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A few limitations of using mahjong scoring systems for gambling must be acknowledged. Some of these are based on the particular features of the Game of Mah-jong, while others are inherent to the notion of mahjong scoring. Note that the following limitations are not applicable to all scoring systems, as some systems may use their own variation of the scoring criteria.
Mahjong scoring is inherently a decade system, with the total number of points scored represented by 10, 100, 1000, etc. This means that the scoring may have to be limited to fit within the decade limits and it is possible that a winning hand that is scored as a 10th-score is actually scored as a 100th-score. For example, a hand that is 12th-score may actually be scored as a 320th-score, as there are only 18 100-scores.
A winning hand can be at least one of three kinds:
Win - The winning hand itself is the hand that is counted as the winning hand for the mahjong game.
Fan - A winning hand that is counted in the winning hand if it is the first winning hand of the game as a whole or the winning hand of a specific player within the game.
Fan - A winning hand that is counted as the winning hand if it is the first winning hand of a particular hand session. In a session without bonuses, the winning hand of the session is the winning hand of the hand that is the first to score, and a fan is added for each hand session (hand, hand session, or session) after that.
As previously mentioned, if more than one of a given winning hand is required for a specific criterion, only the hand that has the tighter requirements will be scored, and the other hands are not counted.
In this proof-of-concept study, the number of tiles in the winning hand was not used as a criterion. Future studies may want to systematically assess how different scoring functions (for example, actual versus implied fan) may impact the outcomes of these types of trials.
Mahjong and Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63(7), 1207-1213. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12503
Yung, T. J. K., Chan, D. A. K., Wong, B. T. K., Fung, T. K., Lui, N. F., & Yuen, K. H. (2014). Impact of a Mahjong Program on Cognitive Function in Older Adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29(6), 566-572.
Hong Kong mahjong, like many other variants of mahjong, contains a special hand known as a Heavenly Hand (sometimes also called a Six Heavens Hand). An infinite point scoring hand, it is composed of all the winning conditions of all nine ways of a hand and is usually categorized as scoring 99 points. 827ec27edc