Robot Telugu Movie Dvdrip Torrent !!INSTALL!!
It's 2035, robots are everywhere in people's lives. Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner (Will Smith) is not a fan of robots due to something that happened in the past. He's sent to investigate the murder of Dr. Alfred Lanning (James Cromwell) the top robot scientist at U.S. Robotics. Spooner believes that a new NS-5 robot killed him, but the three laws of robotics make it impossible. Company scientist Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynahan) can't believe him until all heck breaks loose.This is a movie derived from Isaac Asimov ideas, but turned into little more than a popcorn summer flick. It's yet another Will Smith blockbuster but it could have been so much more. The three laws were never introduced properly. They were just listed like so many assembly instructions. This is a big disservice because it's integral to the twist ending. The action and the CG are fun and impressive. I just wish this was more than a simple mechanical thriller.
It's just blah. A bunch of reproduced computer animated glistening robots. Will Smith, whom I really like, just a caricature, doing his talky thing. The movie lacks any charm. I know that a big battle is going on between those who are fans of the book and the movie. As long as they stole the title of the book, maybe there is an obligation to use some semblance of the laws of robotics. This is like most of the science fiction coming out these days. It's some guy trying to buck the establishment (the new Enron or whatever), who has to get to the bottom of things. He gets beaten up and barely escapes with his life several times along the way. Why couldn't someone with a lick of cleverness, build in a kind of means of circumventing or explaining the behavior based on the laws that Asimov set up. It doesn't mean that he or she would have had to copy the plots; just play by the rules. But then you would have to have the wherewithall to use a brain and come up with a plot that would fit. This is simple entertainment. I'm amazed that it did that well at the box office. I guess Hollywood has a good grasp of the lowest common denominator.
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