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In addition to the above, a new version of Solid Edge, ST7 was just released last week, and it allows customer to specify a URL as the default image for the component. What a cool feature! This means that users can now open Solid Edge applications without having to create images for their models.
While I am a big fan of Solid Edge, I am even more excited that some of its features are being implemented into other programs, to my great delight. For example, in Business Objects' Cognos 8, you can now create an embedded 3D application without giving up an image! While I was not able to find the feature in Cognos' core product, this is a very important step in the direction of true interoperability. This type of feature will make it easier for non-BI developers to create data-driven apps.
Solid Edge is the only one of the three that offers unlimited customization. The combination of the design software and the drawing program is the best in the industry. Solid Edge is the best at what it does, and you can see it in the documentation, the support, and the customer service.
If I were to recommend a product as the best CAD product of all time, it would be Solid Edge. It is the best, and the number one reason for that is that it delivers the best support in the industry.
It is the user that makes a product great. Solid Edge is no different. This product release clearly demonstrates the dedication of the team that has designed the product. They are dedicated to making the product as good as it can be, and these users are those for whom it exists.
You might say, so what? There are plenty of other CAD products to choose from. That is true to a point, but Solid Edge has what none of the others have... unlimited customization . The number one reason a customer chooses an application is to create something. There are many other factors, but if you take the number one reason from the list, you can see that it is universal.
As I noted earlier, Solid Edge is in the midst of a devaluation plan that will ultimately end up with the company selling at sub-RIA levels. This is supposedly to get the company to focus on its core focus. In the process, an awful lot of value has been sucked out of the company. 827ec27edc