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NORMAL STARTUP 2018/11/06 12:28:46ANSYS Licensing Interconnect version 1.9.3 (20180409) for winx64. Updated at ANSYS Build 19.1. Started on 2018/11/06 12:28:46 by SYSTEM@DESKTOP-QQBF4SB:winx64 with pid 15208. (C) 2007 - 2018 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited. Built Using FlexNet Publisher v11.13.1.4 build 179569 x64_n6 Built Using OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017Please note that entries in this debug log have the following format: TIMESTAMP ACTION FEATURE REVISION (BUILD DATE) A/B/C/D W/X/Y/Z PID:MPID:APP:USER@HOSTLATFORMISPLAY SOCKET:IP Licenses statistics:A is the number of licenses requested by this ACTION. B is the number of licenses used by this USER. C is the number of licenses used by all users. D is the number of licenses available in the local license pool. License server performance statistics:W is the number of currently connected client applications. X is the maximum number of connected client applications. Y is the unique serial number of this client application. Z is the number of all client applications served by this Licensing Interconnect server.2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO ANSYSLI_CMD=C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64ansysli_server.exe -nodaemon 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO ANSYSLI_INITIALIZATION_FILE='C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingansyslmd.ini' 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO ANSYSLI_MONITOR=C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64ansysli_monitor.exe 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO ANSYSLI_PRODORD_FILE='C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingprodordansysli.prodord.xml' 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO FLEXLM_LICENSE_FILE='C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglicense_files' 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO ANSYSLI_PORT=2325 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO Backing up FLEXlm debug log file to C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglogs_backuplicense_20181106_122846.log. 2018/11/06 12:28:46 ERROR Could not backup to C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglogs_backuplicense_20181106_122846.log. Make sure you have write permissions. 2018/11/06 12:28:46 INFO C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64lmgrd.exe -c \"C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglicense_files\" -l \"C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglicense.log\" 2018/11/06 12:28:48 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:28:52 CACHE_SERVER Available licenses from file C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglicense_files: 10 a_spaceclaim_catv5 10 a_spaceclaim_dirmod 5 aa_mcad 5 aa_r 32 aa_r_hpc 5 afsp_gui 5 afsp_optigrid 5 afsp_viewmerical 10 aice_mesher 10 aice_opt 10 aice_pak 10 aice_solv 10 aiiges 5 aim_mp1 5 al4allegro 5 al4ansoft 5 al4apd 5 al4boardstation 5 al4cadvance 5 al4cds 5 al4expedition 5 al4first 5 al4gem 5 al4generic 5 al4odb++ 5 al4powerpcb 5 al4virtuoso 5 al4zuken 80 ansoft_distrib_engine 5 designer_hspice 10 electronics2d_gui 10 electronics3d_gui 10 electronics_desktop 10 electronicsckt_gui 10 emit_legacy_gui 5 emit_solve 5 ensemble_25_sim 5 filter_synthesis 5 hfss_solve 5 hfss_transient_solve 192 hfsshpc 5 hfsssbr_solve 5 m2dfs_qs_solve 5 m2dfs_solve 5 m3dfs_qs_solve 5 m3dfs_solve 5 maxwlspc 5 nexxim_ami 5 nexxim_dc 5 nexxim_eye 5 nexxim_hb 10 nexxim_netlist 5 nexxim_osc 5 nexxim_tran 5 nexxim_tvnoise 10 optimetrics 5 pemag 5 pexprt 5 rmxprt_bcm 5 rmxprt_ecm 5 rmxprt_im 5 rmxprt_sym 10 savant_legacy_gui 10 si2d_solve 10 si3d_solve 5 simplorer_advanced 5 simplorer_control 5 simplorer_cprogrinterface 10 simplorer_gui 5 simplorer_libsmps 5 simplorer_model_export 5 simplorer_modelica 5 simplorer_sim 5 simplorer_sim_entry 5 simplorer_vhdlams 10 siwave_gui 10 siwave_level1 10 siwave_level2 10 siwave_level3 5 symphony_dt_sim 5 symphony_fd_sim 10 xlate_catia4 10 xlate_catia5 10 xlate_iges 10 xlate_inventor 10 xlate_parasolid 10 xlate_proe 10 xlate_solidworks 10 xlate_step 10 xlate_unigraphics 2018/11/06 12:28:52 CACHE_SERVER No active FLEXlm options. 2018/11/06 12:28:52 CACHE_SERVER No active ANSYS Licensing Interconnect options. 2018/11/06 12:28:58 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:29:08 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:29:18 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:29:28 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:298 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:29:48 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 12:29:58 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 120:08 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 120:18 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 120:28 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 1208 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ... 2018/11/06 120:48 INFO Still trying to start FLEXlm server. Please wait ...
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