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While the steps in this article refer to SharePoint Server 2016, they are applicable to SharePoint Foundation 2013, SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2019, and SharePoint Server Subscription Edition unless otherwise noted.
The following illustration shows the steps that are required to install the update on the farm. You can use the illustration as a guide as you go through the steps in the procedure that follows (\"To install an update without backward compatibility\").
The following illustration shows the steps that are required to install the update on the farm. You can use the illustration as a guide as you go through the steps in the following procedure, \"To install the update\".
The following procedure shows all the steps to upgrade the farm. You can upgrade all components within the same outage window, or you can take some smaller outage windows and upgrade separate parts of the farm at different times. If you want to break up the upgrade stage, you can upgrade the following components in separate outage windows:
You can take a short farm outage to upgrade only a few content databases (steps 3 and 4 in the following procedure) each time and then resume farm operation (step 8 in the following procedure). You can repeat the process over successive outage windows until you upgrade all content and the farm servers are ready to be upgraded.
If you're patching the User Profile Service service application database, you must export the User Profile Synchronization Service encryption key from the old database, and then import the key to the new database. This key is also known as the Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) key, the Synchronization Service encryption key, and the Forefront Identity Manager 2010 (FIM 2010) key. If you don't export and then import the key correctly, the Synchronization Service won't start. To export the encryption key, complete these steps:
Selenium offers a set of features used to automate web applications. It remains among the top tools for browser-based and cross-platform regression testing. Selenium supports automated test scripts that cycle through data sets and data-driven tests. This is a proper solution for large-scale quality assurance teams with advanced testers. However, its steep learning curve becomes a hindrance for small and mid-size teams.
align number chemical ms_het_moleculesExamples:read pdb \"3gvu\"align number chemical a_H. # rename atoms in both ligands align number: renumber residues sequentially align number rs_residuesToBeRenumbered i_firstsIS [molecule] align number ms_chainsToBeRenumbered [ i_firstNumber ] renumber selected residues, or residues in selected molecules or objects sequentially in all of them from starting one or the specified first number. May be useful to deal with messy numbering in some pdb-files. Option molecule will start numbers from 1 or i_first in each molecule.Chain ids are also allowed, e.g. set number a_/13 \"13A\".Multiple residues can be set with integer or string arrays of labels.If integer array contains the same numbers, e.g. 10,10,10 the labels will getthe insertion characters, e.g. 10,10A,10B .Examples: read pdb \"1crn\" align number a_1 # renumber all res. 1 to N align number a_1/10:20 101 # just the selected residues from 101 align number a_1 101 # renumber all res. 101 to 100+N read pdb \"2ins\" align number a_/* 1 align number a_/* 1 molecule # each chain starts from 1 align number ms_chainsToBeRenumbered seq_master [ i_offset ] renumber the residues of the selected molecule according to seq_master master sequence which is aligned to the sequence of the selected chain. The alignment (pairwise or multiple) need to be linked to the molecule/chain and both the chain sequence and the master sequence need to be covered by the alignment. The molecular sequence can be generated with the make sequence [ ms_chainsToBeRenumbered ] command. This command may be useful in cases in which a structural model does not represent the entire sequence because of omitted loops, N- and C- termini, while you still want to keep the numbering according to the full master sequence. You might want to use the command also on models by homology generated with the build model command. Example: seqmaster = Sequence(\"ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRST\") build string \"DEFGH-----PQRST\" # dashes are skipped make sequence a_1 name=\"seqmodel\" # sequence is auto-linked a = Align(seqmodel,seqmaster) # linked alignment align number a_1 seqmaster # Info> residues of a_def.m renumbered by sequence 'seqmaster' from alignment 'a' display residue label align: ICM multiple alignment algorithm align ali_SequenceGroupName [ tree=filename= s_epsFileName ] align sequence [selection] seq1 seq2 .. seedSequence [ min_seqID (20.)] [ name=s ] make a multiple alignment of specified sequences.The sequence group may result from the group sequence s_groupName command. The input arguments include the following:seq1 seq2 ... : explicitly specifiedsequence : all sequences in the shellsequence selection : all sequences selected in GUIseqGroup : sequences grouped together previouslyseedSequence : sequences in the shell similar to the specified with optional min_seqID (default 20%).For pairwise alignment use the Align( seq1 seq2 ) function. The algorithm includes the following steps (inspired by corridor discussions with Des Higgins, Toby Gibson and Julie Thompson ): align all sequence pairs with the ICM ZEGA algorithm, and calculate pairwise distances between each pair of aligned sequence with the Dayhoff formula, e.g. the distance between two identical sequences will be 0. , while the distance between two 30% different sequences will be around 0.5. The distance goes to an arbitrary number of 10. for completely unrelated sequences. The distance matrix Dij can later be extracted from the alignment with the Distance( ali_ ) function. build an evolutionary tree from Dij with the \"neighbor-joining algorithm\" of Saitou, N., Nei, M. (1987) to determine the order of the alignment and calculate relative weights of sequences and profiles from the branch lengths. The tree will be saved in the file defined by the tree= s or filename= s option . Starting from version 3.5-2 the aligTree.eps file is NO LONGER saved by default). The so-called Newick tree description string will be saved in s_out . traverse the tree from top to bottom, aligning the closest sequences, sequence and profile or two profiles. After each Needleman and Wunsch alignment, build the profile. generate the final neighbor-joining evolutionary tree and write the PostScript file with the tree to disk. Examples: read sequences s_icmhome+\"zincFing\" list sequences # see them, then ... group sequence alZnFing # group them, then ... align alZnFing # align them align alZnFing filename=\"znTree.eps\" # eps file with a tree read sequence swiss web \"12S1_ARATH\" read sequence swiss web \"12S2_ARATH\" group sequence arath align arath EST,DNA alignment and assembly[ sim4 ]
build atom as1 [simple] [s_elementName=(\"c\")] [i_bondType=(1)] build pseudo as_inICMobj by default it will add a carbon to the selected atom in a non-ICM objectand rebuild hydrogens for the affected atoms.Use the strip command for ICM objects.Options and arguments:simple does not rebuild hydrogens.s_elementName is a string with the name of the chemical element. i_bondType is 1 for a single bond (the default), 2 for a double bond and 4 for a triple bond.Example:build smiles \"CC(C)Cc1ccc(cc1)C(C)C([O-])=O\" name=\"ibuprofen\"strip atom a_ibuprofen.m//c1 \"n\"build atom a_ibuprofen.m//c1 2See also:make bond delete bonddelete atom Recalculating dependent columns build column T.colTRebuilds all values in a dependent column T.col build column T T_row_selectionRebuilds all dependent columns in the table T_ or row selection (e.g. T[12], or T.ID==123 )If column A depends on column B and column B depends on other columns, column B will be calculated before column A.Examples:add column T {2 5 1} name=\"B\"add column T function=\"A + B\" name=\"C\"add column T function=\"C + B\" index=1 name=\"D\"T.A[1] = 10build column T[1] # should change values of C and D in the first rowSee also: add column functionBuilding object from sequence file build s_IcmSeqFileName [ library= { s_libFile S_libFiles} ] [ delete ] reads ICM-sequence file and builds an ICM molecular object. This sequence file is different from a simple sequence file and contains three (sometimes four) character residue names defined in the icm.res residue library file (try show residue types to see the list). Use command build string if you want to build an object from a string with one letter coded sequences or a named sequence.E.g. build string \"ASDGF\" or \"ASD;DERR\" or \"nh2 ala his cooh\"To get a D-amino acid instead of L-ones simply use D as a prefix: Dala Darg. Specify N- or C-terminal modifiers directly in the file if needed. The build command will create them in some default conformation (extended backbone with different molecules oriented around the origin as a bunch of flowers). Several molecules can be specified in the ICM sequence file. Residue names may contain numbers (i.e. 4me ). However, the residue numbers with a modification character, such as 44a, 44b should contain a slash before the modification character (i.e. 44/a , 44/b ). An example in which we create a sequence of residues ala and 4me with numbers 2a and 2b, respectively: \"se 2a ala 2b 4me\". The library option lets to temporarily switch the library file. The same result mayalso be achieved by redefining the LIBRARY.res array of the LIBRARY table. The delete option temporarily sets the l_confirm flag to no and the old object with the same name gets overwritten. Examples: build \"def\" # file build s_icmhome + \"\" # file build \"wierd\" library=\"mod.res\" # get residues from mod.res # LIBRARY.res = {\"icm\",\"./myres\"} build \"s\" build tautomer build tautomer [charge={r_pH,r_window}] ms_hetrs_tautomeric_residues\"prepares internal data for quick switching between different tautomer statesof small molecules ms or histidine rs_his by relative tautomer number or histidine tautomer name.charge option adds enumeration of format charge states at given pH and a window.You need to call this command if you plan to sample different tautomers in montecarlo command (tautomer option) Example: build string \"AHW\"build tautomer a_/his # adds a hydrogen and hydrogen masks to allow the switchingmonecarlo reverse tautomer Example: build smiles \"C(CNN)c1ccccc1\" build tautomer a_1 charge = {7. 2.} set tautomer a_1 1 set tautomer a_1 2 set tautomer a_1 3See also: set tautomer enumerate chargeBuilding model by homology[ Homology steps Loop search The output ] 59ce067264