Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet
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Finally, this cheat sheet and the rest of the article is focused on IPv4 addresses, not the newer IPv6 protocol. If you'd like to learn more about IPv6, check out the article on computer networks above.
The combination of the IP addresses and subnet mask allows the device at to figure out if the other device is on the same network (like the device at, or on a completely different network somewhere else online.
Interestingly, the external IP address assigned to your router by your ISP is probably part of a subnet, which might include many other IP addresses for nearby homes or businesses. And just like internal IP addresses, it also needs a subnet mask to work.
Another way to express this is with a network ID, which is just the network portion of the IP address. So the network ID of the address with a subnet mask of is
The first is Variable Length Submasking (VLSM), which basically allowed network engineers to create subnets within subnets. And those subnets could be different sizes, so there would be fewer unused IP addresses.
CIDR notation is really just shorthand for the subnet mask, and represents the number of bits available to the IP address. For instance, the /24 in is equivalent to the IP address and the subnet mask
The subnet mask cheat sheet units is based on IEC 60027-2: Y = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176; Z = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424; E = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976; T = 1,099,511,627,776; G = 1,073,741,824; M = 1,048,576; K = 1,024
In this Subnetting Cheat Sheet Page, you will find all the possible CIDR, Subnet Mask, Wildcard Mask values for IPv4 Addresses. Beside, you will find private IP addresses, special IP addresses and bogon IP addresses. You can use this subnet cheat sheet online or you can Download Subnetting Cheat Sheet as a pdf file.
In this Subnetting cheat sheet page, you can view all you need about subnetting! You can view CIDR values that is the equivalent valueof your subnet mask, address numbers that can be used with this subnet mask and wildcard masks. You can learn Classful IP Addresses, IPv4 address classes, Private IPv4 blocks. Beside, you can check special IPv4 addresses like Local addresses and APIPA in this Subnetting cheat sheet. The other important thing you will find in this Subnet mask cheat sheet is Bogon IP Addresses. The decimal to binary table will also help you for your Subnet Calculations.
Subnetting is one of the most important and confusing lesson of computer networking. Almost all network engineers, network technicians and network administrators have had difficulties on this lesson. So, always an easy way is tried to be found to determine the correct subnetting mask. To overcome this confusing, I have prepared a perfect Subnetting cheat sheet for you. With this two pages subnetting document, you can easily determine your subnet masks anymore.
So, how can you use this Subnetting cheat sheet? First of all, you can use this sheet whenever you forgot any Subnet mask value or even if you need to determine a Subnet Mask for your network. If you do a good calculation, then you do not waste you IPv4 blocks. So, to use your IPv4 blocks effectively, this sheet will help you a lot! You can find the required value and then you can use the corresponding subnet mask in this sheet. It will show you not only the CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing) value, but also the host addresses and Wildcard Masks.
With this Subnet mask cheat sheet, you do not need to use Subnetting Calculator anymore. You can check the network and host values and you can deteremine that which Subnet is useful for you. Without this sheet, you have to use Subnetting Calculator to determine the Subnetting mask, that you will use on your network.
You can download this Subnetting cheat sheet in pdf format. With this Subnetting cheat sheet pdf, you can use this important adn effective document anywhere offline. So, do not forget to download it and keep near with you during your network activities.
For your Subnetting Practice, this Subnet mask cheat sheet will help you a lot. Beside, for your subnetting practice, there is a great page on This is Subnetting Practice Page..!
Subnet masking or subnet masks are used to identify the network portion and the host ID of an IP network after subnetting. Subnet mask has the same number of bits as the IP address. And the bits corresponding to the network portion are all 1s and the bits corresponding to the host are all 0s. The subnet mask can also be represented by the number of bits in the network portion; for example if the network portion has 27 bits, the subnet mask is represented as /27.
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