Sworn Enemy The Beginning Of The End Rar
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Seemingly invincible in whatever form he chooses, Mumm-Ra appears to have a singular weakness: seeing his own hideous reflection neutralizes his ability to remain outside the Black Pyramid and forces him to withdraw there in his emaciated mummy form. However, at the beginning of the second season, the Ancient Spirits of Evil overcome this shortcoming. Mumm-Ra is a master of deception, and will use whatever means necessary to fight against the forces of good. In later episodes, while endowing Mumm-Ra with his powers, the statues of the Ancient Spirits of Evil come down from their perches, and extend their arms over him.
IlA , filCUBA'S FOURTH IHUTllDAY.nouns or cni'.r.n roit run sritt;u(ii. i xii I'M it tors.L'elrhrnlln!. ufllir Anniversary nf Cuban Inletcndi nco -Jrrl .11 mr In Connor t nllnui .linarlrun Hrmpuilir vtllli luc No.hii Heroes of l.lboilr.The Cubim patriot ris'ilent uutl sojourning In New York yostcrdsy celebrated the fourthnnnlvertary of Cuban Independence. Tho CityHall was decorated with tiu Cuhnti, American,ml municipal colors. t)n Hie StS oRlco andoilier buildings tho flag of Cuba was hoisted.At 11:15 osvluto of ono hundred gun wm Crcd.AtU-X) cituincniorutlvo services were held InIho llplscopal Churcn do Santiago In Twentysecond stteot, near V'lfth nv nue. Tho exerciseswen) opened In nccordancowl.lt tho bppoopalrun J, tho Her. Mr. Titlum orldatlng. Tho Tttkum and (Irani! Anthem by the choir and conC.cgatii'ti concluded the opening vxcrclirs.Tim Itev. Mr. 1 'alma delltcrcd n sermon InBpuiilsh on itrlllin. lie poltiled out thet- n itt i't full h and patriotic hope In thofr.e.ids of Cubit the sunt, daughters, fathers,mothers, r.nd sisters of struggling patrlots-as-a-mbllngthus j ear ufter )e.ir In n foreign Imd,to pray f\"r tho ultliuato triumph uf the hivedo i\"' at li\"ine. He expressed tint fullest connilgn. e In I lie lln d triumph of the right. Theb rvtcos closed with it fervent be iii'dlttlon.Till! (illtlT mi ktimi.A-early cs seven o'clock last evening, Cubanr)-iaeiilsof this city, nnd A nie-Ic.nt sympathizersltd the Cilia:! cause, Logan to as-semblo aroundCiper Institute. A band was stationed In t lietulcotiy toe looking LTghlh street, and the fosthlllos wore enlivened by national and popularair. Iloiiilniitid rockets Illuminated the scene,nrid rejoicing was the watchword of everybody,I'.itrkill'' Cubans were gnuped all about thea juare, and \" Iva Cuba\" w.vi shouted at Interv ils by cunltant men and beautiful women whoIntro faith hither country and Its future glniy.The gnat li.ul of the Cooper Institute had beendoco a ed in nbeautltul Mid highly appropriatel.iiiinor. Tap entire auditorium m canopiedw ib star-spangled red, wnlte, and thin bunting,vr.iloli hung In graceful festoons from the centretitho opt\"slte walls. The blue and red predimlnit.d so t ut I io elTei't In lo kiln: ilpwirdwis sii.ne.ulng similar to tniiing upuli the bluonky of a summer's oii'iilng. The atones oneither side of and upon tho Mace were drapedwith tho American Hair, which fell In heatyfoils, fn.i i.ii s entrances of ciiil'lamatlc grandur. lu the contro irai n devlco rnprcscMlnj.the Ootlde. of Liberty. On olihtrsldc waslheAt icrlcaii Hag. In her right hand, w Ich wasraised so ns to cover her breast, she gra'ped theputilcm 1 1 t uliaii lndopcndeuce, end on herlelt was tha sword, which the sTiiggllni heroesof tho tr.pl' l Island are so nobly wielding Inil -fi ll e i t llH'lr rlgnt. Lnohiig down upontho Midi' ic'c were the features of the fret menwtto havo w ui n place In history by iiiart)rdoinnnd extraordinary hrau-rv In the wresting oftheir land from the grasp of the oppressor. Then in. o Licareuo. Icinicto ALTramonte, DonatoMaru.ol, Julio SaiiR.dl. l.uls A)i-tarau. andMariano I.ot.i will loreter b d'ar to the Cubanlieart, and the .uidlence as they gaxd upon tin Irpictures decking the walU abote ami to rllherado of tl.e st-i.'n wero roused to that healthytat of pnlrli'llc excltenienl which only a pen-i-orlrvd with a noble love of eounti) for eountry's sake are apablc of feillnir.Tin: rniEMis nr i n .Uy half pa.t T the luiriicii- hull was welt tilledwltli natites of tho beautiful Isle and theirA uiriciii Irb nU and sjm: aih..-f. I; w is ana alienee the llko of which Is seldom set n InA nerlca. J he majority were men. hot with thenclti'd I ! . I wof. h Is characteristic of O.ilmand h rp' 1 1'. Hut many ladles were presentto eiu t1 e scene. They were no lc-s earnestbud i .11 1 1 -i i tli ill thuir stroiitf -r compaiiloiis,and they listened to the sjcehes with tho sameeairerm ss. and thmited t'liu.' \" and \"Unite'\"with tin a.no appreciative zesi. Could thi patrl its ! t'.ib.i. stiiiMlmit In their mountainuri'iik-le 1 1. hao witnes-ed this a.embly inh n.-'if i lief urth aimlversiry \"f their liecl.irca t 'ii. ' lnli pi ndci.ee. c r'alnly a m w uni cl us w . d e . . ii to Hi 'ir p it ri ..i-m. and t icyId Wl.h r llewed Inipe f l Il I.' b\"autl-lul l oan rj .- id I s lu.i .tit d woiun..nr. ri.wri'iiM.At 1 o l 1 1, prcil-elv the ban 1. v. 1 I h li.nl Il\" li I'lion t-ul\", eliteiod the h ill and t\" klie '. wlil .i h .d been rescued for tli-iuAt thl-1 '...- iho li'Miso was p.i kul to the irdo irs. aii.l Hie itir rc-ounde I w.ih loud \" vImi.. :and to, -'itn '11 of thousill.ls uf feet. 1'mc n.Ulene,' wi re Imp .t. n . irlir llano n CVspedciand .il r i ., r A. lhitiastci I ed upwi lot s u.e.follow d b the i-pealicrs aiid lmnortd tmesis i ft iu eti nlii.. Their Mitrance win trie su'iuil f\"rm oiitb ir-t of enthusiasm, the like of whichCooper Institute has seldom known. \"VitaCuba, ' Vita Ce-pede,\" \" Vita Kail i.\" shoutedthe exeiiod fir ng, while the tery buildIns shoo,, with the uproar. Scflor t'e-pedeib 'ved r n ef'diy, and the i:entl\"uien took iinureats. A'i in the , romlneut oei'upanti of thep 'Ifunnw io J. M. Ma'Mrga. ths uviieral ujrentof fie C .b .n repiil. lie, (Jen. Martin T M' Mainui,J nn A T' wn-. Inl. Aik-ernon .-ullitan. .1. M.Mettre. .'n .Mitoii'o i:ti.mrln, late Cuban Coinlulisloner j and II ono ClMiems.As soon as the t-ii'liiisi sin bail sornswbttsubsided Si n r lltiiuion Cc . di. the K.ptoin tile t oinii.i-iliiner \"I the t. iil'uii Itepi.b.i' totiel'hit'd -'nt, s, and Iho in ill wiioiu til Cil-bjii-lute t ' i all the.r rriihlJIn. step) id I\" I liefruit. 'lh w.is a slL'iial lor a Irivh bin t ofr\"ieerm.-1 u J \"tins.\" Seuor Cisk. t s towelhh ackH'otleiU'iuenls, and ufitr ijulel was leulorod aid :t'CHANs ami Fsliiw Ciriirxs: Al'cot me t t Introdirrtiyau ns Tie ( .islrmau of our uictiL: t u tmsa I ir'i 't fi .\" 1 i ixt t titi Ins kaui, n ta .ti c rl's ii'trluj l.cr stru f l r l.i Je,.euUl:Uie-l as A. U.1U.At the mentl in of Mr. l nut's n tme the ni.iltlludili oke form iiiidii Into a pirli-i t whlriwindoi applause. Mr. Dana Hepped lo the ile-l; undI oked down up ,11 bis iiiuliunci. At that 11. on '.'lit K'.n.c olio In the throiiK arose milloutet,, j luce i liters lor Charles A. lla'ia.Tie call n .us les.ii nded to Willi ul.icrlt) ands.'iilt. i.iree in I;; .it Inuas rang out from threet ).-\"i'i tiii.j.its. ami .Mr. Ii.iii.i bowtd lislh Ilk- A ,lio laat hui'.i dn d on n tin ..Ir theI .i. i nn '. .o tho eh Hons an h in. \" flail Colain la.\" At IH close. Mr. 1) hi s .id :Kill. HAN C ahum. J.ei : v ' n '7 1 ss. rt n t lia-tfn' i\". U'her.wers'ri t' i.ii l.ri-iir)\" rplle- lc...c i a' r.,ts (I na i . - ii i. il. i' r i .iui. l-i I h- la-1, ui , ; ry oti' . i t 1 e.i Ti lla i.e.' Hlul ffe y Ullttc U ly,I ll ' 1 . . Ii I H I. il I si I. Aitt H li ll I t Is I nilI ii I i 'tlu'itri iin.d p . iin.r 1'i.ly ou tiu il ,u I - . . I t.i r us u j.a.is, mii ii ire r -ll et tintt ' Jit s '.i ii t'.u, fur t is ii ,i,it st nf uil o ijr twiiiiir.ni -pi's tin; Hiii'iiti.in of in ii. o'r hotrt milIsr i a. ii-1 ii, n)i ii ii y I r tlifiu, slm im ms) wellnuctsw.' ' i. us i.i lAi.riM, our f)inl'Slii sad enV .urjtt' i ilMi nor . lit ill, it slul ifii jil will. Wetri-an' t.'i.ua Ilia ShnuU cl Ii loisin, nn-l tofeel icus' w inn a w ithlii us iiv the rei ord. Hut Inttuwliulr K'S-il lilsi.irr there U tiu notili r p t. lufirenili'r r i.' r i tli m Hist tnsip l y llir pairiMs l cuOallnlr tru Is for 'ii.rrty an I 1 yui'iraiio nt.And for w lint i . it th-y i it ml' I tiu ru'it uf istfto ermi , nt tie rent wltLn helunics lu muu. Hirc inteait fur treed .ui fru n f.ruu.i U-.tn a itiun. ThItrtsi tsiie r ai u.l nuje all men ii.'ivir. their oirnslsirr t l.y I'n.ulil uot Cu' nil l-ilsi -r hroiie ti n ie ut f'ti'i i't, fur me I'tlucallon f her tlillilreu, an 1lie t e 1 I' ulllulli; the ll.ll.nsi.f Hie L..rl.i ,h '.i.i. 1 nt. nl'il ir'ni'ik.\".' la ill r- my r as .ti w hi sttit'uuli.i.'t' lus ui y i r iplu tiu'l. r the sun a ri. ttucusi. . i\"- h i',u uf t.iat oia.nl ii, .u tuttri ll NoI ' i tin I .1. . l.s the rlKht 1\" tu ttulLinu. 'llidtlss(. . . tv wi. ii ii b I i us in Iiit una hens. Cheeis aielri , .'i i ..a !,.! ttiey i.r- ii.litune for that nir tw ii - 1 1 - m f- acnt -'. it It Ciiln. thai we ihuuluit.. i r t.ert lu btin.u'.uiu iliLiu tu t ersevere inI . -r l.i r ii '! , li.r r u.i . i' :i i in -w n rlii' n u( Hi I'dHi-J St ,tc, If. p .r s i ill. i s n- uf hi, ci.i- .ii, a i-urruw st t mi . i . i t i, , i.L, , h ' ii ir , U j \"Ur t.uttTU'i. t 'i n ii ' i . io U'i t , Mine ri Is farm ' li out r i,i , . ,, i'lit nn i li n we liu v I lljny amiI' r i\" 'i w i i i a ,j ilm ,t ui.ki t el utn to mirnme 'ii w . ,. ifla t, le lp t ii'i'i Its n oil,, ra- -en l-ii ini'l h lp l's. tt u ill uui uf Ll. i llt ins ill l , , , u, In III) lieUiitem, il im Hie tl, t' of tills li ti i ii iu ulil I iiiia I li w u it l.i w , ri liej An. rl i' r i i'. will it w lit e i u u n n-e uf t iii r mil)-.I lail I tl si. -w fin Vim i ii n - htieln meiii s, una' tlins,' w i u at , ii li anil iiu,',lin,f llir mjri liiuua in(ubl.tuil .'i iiutlull. Vuu tillTttiln u ir llbtiit), snit c i the wtii'ie wurla wilt ct me fitrwsrd and rm-Oitulienil . Kiiii'lri. iuu, wheu uauiiratloa U cueau oaa )uu dute ui i I iint )u. ultimate iucc-m no Intelllzcnt renter nf hisI t'lry i au Ui u t We know tliat yuur perserer