The Archaeology Of Athens
The Archaeology Of Athens --->>>
The program includes courses in Greek archaeology, ancient Greek history and literature, and modern Greek. With an academic tradition of more than 180 years, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens guarantees a high-quality undergraduate program, based on experiential learning and offering both systematic disciplinary knowledge and critical and creative thinking skills.
An important part of the Society's work is its publishing. It brings out three annual titles: Praktika tes Archaiologikes Hetairias (Proceedings of the Archaeological Society), since 1837, containing detailed reports on the excavations and researches carried out in all parts of Greece; Archaiologike Ephemeris (since 1837), containing papers on subjects to do with Greek antiquities, including excavation reports; and Ergon tes Archaiologikes Hetairias (The Work of the Archaeological Society), since 1955, published every May, with brief reports on its excavations. Mentor is a quarterly whose contents consist mainly of short articles on ancient Greece and the history of Greek archaeology, as well as of news on the Societys activities. All these are edited by the Secretary General. Besides the periodicals, there is the series of books with the general title The Library of the Archaeological Society at Athens: these are monographs on archaeological subjects and reports on excavations, mostly those carried out by the Society. The Society is administered by an eleven-member Board, elected every three years by the members in General Meeting. Every year, in May or thereabouts, the Secretary General of the Board reports on the Societys activities over the past twelve months at a Public Meeting.
Born in Athens, Natassa (Anastasia) is an archaeologist, an art historian and a licensed tour guide for Greece. She studied Archaeology at the University of Athens and Art History at the University of Warwick and University of Glasgow. She recently studied at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence (KHI) and is currently a Ph.D student at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, conducting research on 14th century Venetian painting. Natassa has worked for different educational Institutes (American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice) and taught Art History in various vocational training Institutes in Greece. She is also a wine lover and connoisseur with a second level diploma from WSET. Natassa has lived in England, Scotland and Italy, and she is fluent in English and Italian. She splits her time between Athens and Venice. A keen traveler, reader and researcher, she started working as a tour guide with Context in 2014 in Athens. She enjoys providing a vibrant, fresh and artistic experience of her city to people who are interested in art and archaeology.
Before the Athens 2004 Olympics we were among the first people to visit the newly renovated National Archaeological Museum. It was really a treat to see the ancient statues, pottery, jewelry, weapons and utensils in their new improved surroundings. Since then they have opened another wing and have hundreds if not thousands of other artifacts on display. This page will give you an idea of what is in store for you at the National Museum of Athens, one of the best, if not the best archaeology museums in the world. This should be on your list of places not to miss while in Athens, Greece. Be sure to see the Antikithira device, an ancient computer, which was on display elsewhere when I took these photos.For hours and directions to the museum visit the Athens Museums Page
We work closely with agencies and organizations both inside and outside state government. Some of our most important public partners are the Society for Georgia Archaeology, the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists, the Georgia Council on American Indian Concerns, and the Georgia Archaeological Site File. The Office of the State Archaeologist provides assistance to the public, offering technical advice, information, and educational opportunities related to archaeology.
Edited by Elliot M. Abrams and AnnCorinne Freter, The Emergence of the Moundbuilders: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies in Southeastern Ohio presents the process of tribal formation and change in the region based on analyses of all available archaeological data from the Hocking River Valley. Drawing on the work of scholars in archaeology, anthropology, geography, geology, and botany, the collection addresses tribal society formation through such topics as the first pottery made in the valley, aggregate feasting by nomadic groups, the social context for burying their dead in earthen mounds, the formation of religious ceremonial centers, and the earliest adoption of corn. 59ce067264