The Charisma Myth Epub 25
The kindness charisma makes you feel accepted. The Dalai Lama is the utmost example of it. Finally, the authority charisma makes people believe that you can change their lives. Bill Gates is a good example of it.
Visualization is a powerful tool. Of all the charisma-boosting techniques, this is the one I recommend making a permanent part of your toolkit. If you gain nothing else from this book, this one technique will make a critical difference in your charisma.
I concur. And although there were other parts of the book that I found bizarre, such as the suggestion of taking pictures of your favorite stuffed animals and keeping them near you when you need an emotional boost, or walking through a crowd as if you are a gorilla so that people will move out of your way and you can experience power and confidence, I think that there is enough good here to recommend this book to others. What I like about the book is that it is practical and application-based. The exercises seem effective, and readers would just need to look through and see if there are any takeaways that they can adopt into their own style to see if it might improve their own charisma.
However, buyers have evolved, therefore your prospecting needs to as well. In this sales book, Hunter shatters costly prospecting myths and eliminates confusion about what works today. Merging new strategies with proven practices that unfortunately many have given up (much to their demise), this is a must-have resource for salespeople in every industry.
In the oral poetics of lyric, we saw that composition interacts with performance, and such interaction is parallel to the interaction of myth with ritual. The same can be said about the epic poetry attributed to Homer: to perform this epic is to activate myth, and such activation is fundamentally a matter of ritual. {53|54}
As we see from such contrasts between lyric master myths that are seen and epic myths that are just heard, not all myths qualify as the truth in any single telling of myths. Whereas all myths count as muthoi in Homeric poetry, including the epic master myth told by the master Narrator himself, a master myth told in other media need not be {60|61} called a muthos. Not all muthoi count as myths in the positive sense of the word muthos as used in Homeric poetry.
Even those Homeric speech-acts that are not marked by the word muthos or by a synonym have the power of complementing and enhancing the telling of the Homeric master myth. Such is the case with the telling of Homeric similes, which serve the purpose of advancing the epic action by intensifying its vitality (on the telling of a simile as an act of divination, see Muellner 1990). The point of entry for these similes tends to be situated either before or after the occurrence of climactic moments in the epic action (Martin 1997:146). The power of the Homeric simile in driving the narrative forward is a matter of performance.
In considering the function of similes in the narrating of the master myth in Homeric narrative, we have seen that their formal features are distinct from those of epic, and that they follow their own distinct rules. To that extent, the simile may be classified as a genre distinct from the genre of epic as represented by Homeric poetry. Still, as we have also seen, the internal rules of the simile mesh with the external rules of the epic that frames it. So instead of saying that the framed form of the simile is a subgenre of epic, it is more apt to say that the framing form of the epic is a supergenre (Martin 1997:166). {62|63}
Besides the simile, there are also other genres framed within the supergenre of epic, and each of these genres affects in its own way the narration of the master myth. To take a premier example, let us return to the story told by the old hero Phoenix to the young hero Achilles in the Iliad. At first sight this story seems to be simply an epic in its own right. A second look, however, shows much more. This story follows rules of its own, some of which differ from the rules of epic.
So the reaction of Achilles to the ainos performed by Phoenix needs to be viewed within the framework of the master Narrative performed by the master Narrator. From the standpoint of Achilles as a {63|64} character who takes shape within the plot of the overall epic that is the Iliad, the consequences of his decisions in reacting to the subplot of the epic about Meleager are still unclear at the moment when he makes these decisions. From the standpoint of the master Narrator who narrates the plot of the Iliad, on the other hand, the consequences are quite clear, since the master Narration takes shape by way of an interaction between the framed myth about the anger of Meleager and the framing myth about the anger of Achilles (Walsh 2005). The short-range agenda of Phoenix and Achilles will be transformed into the long-range agenda of the master myth, which will ultimately correspond to what actually happens to Achilles in his own heroic life. In the world of epic, heroes live out their lives by living the myths that are their lives.
What must mean more than anything else to Achilles is not only Patroklos himself but also the actual meaning of the name Patrokleēs , which conveys the idea of the klea andrōn. For Achilles, the words klea {65|66} andrōn represent the master myth in the actual process of being narrated in the epic of the Iliad. For Achilles, it is a myth of his own making. And it is myth in the making.
Such a split vision is a false dichotomy. The reality of Odysseus is in fact the myth of Odysseus, since that myth derives from the historical reality of Homeric poetry as a medium of myth. The reality of the myth is the reality of the medium that conveys the myth to its listeners over time.
The age of epic heroes is a sacred world of myth that must be set apart from the everyday world of the present. The mythology of epic heroes must distance itself from the present by holding on to a remote past far removed from the world of listeners hearing the glories of heroes. To hold on to such a past, this mythology must show not only that an age of heroes existed once upon a time but also, just as {80|81} important, that such an age does not exist any more. It must privilege what is past over what is present, and it must remake that past into a sacred age of heroes.
Homeric poetry, as the primary epic mediator of myth, remakes the perceived past into such a sacred age by way of deliberately privileging realities perceived as belonging to a past age of heroes. Such realities can be tested by comparing them with corresponding realities ascertained independently by way of empirical approaches.
In the early 1920s, Martin Buber started advocating a binational Jewish-Arab state, stating that the Jewish people should proclaim "its desire to live in peace and brotherhood with the Arab people, and to develop the common homeland into a republic in which both peoples will have the possibility of free development".[19]
Nonviolent movements that replace supposeddictatorships with supposed democracies do power a great service. Theymistake the dictator for the center of power in a dictatorship, whendictators are really only charismatic figures (or puppets placed bycharismatic figures) who succeed in linking together a coalition ofpower-holders strong enough to keep down other power-holders notincluded in the coalition, and to control coalition members who mightwant more power than the present arrangement grants them. If a dictatoris ousted in favor of a democracy, this represents the expansion of theruling coalition and the development of a more stable ruling structure.The power-holders who backed the dictator usually remain in the rulingcoalition, but that coalition now includes potentially everybody, aslong as everybody prioritizes social control first, and their personalinterests second. In governments recognized as democratic, charisma isinvested in the institution of government itself, rather than inindividual leaders. By ousting a dictator and demanding elections, anonviolent movement allows a government to clean its image, rebuild itslegitimacy, and mask a smooth transition to a more powerful form ofgovernment as though it were some kind of grassroots revolution orresponsiveness to popular pressures.
On a domestic level, there are also numerous casesof citymayors and police chiefs working together with nonviolent activists toensure the peacefulness of a major protest. During the 2012 RepublicanConvention in Tampa, Florida:
This book is in some ways a continuation of How Nonviolence Protects the State, written in 2004, published in2005, then expanded in 2006 and republished the following year. As thedebate around nonviolence flared up again in the English-speaking worlddue to the anti-police riots and Occupy movement in the US and thestudent movement and Tottenham riots in the UK, I thought about updatingand republishing it for the occasion.
Our investigation, Undermining Sanctions, revealed how Israelibillionaire and mining magnate Dan Gertler may have evaded US sanctions overcorruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) which were then in forceagainst him and acquired new mining assets. Read more
Thedevastating impacts of the climate crisis are becoming ever starker and moredifficult to ignore. We have shifted our approach to address the crisis moredirectly at hand. In the coming years, we will bring our investigative,campaigning and communications skills to uncover the role corporations andfinancial institutions are playing in undermining efforts to stop climatechange and their attempts to muddy the waters on what will make a difference inthe protection of our planet. On fossil fuels, our focus will be on ending themyth that fossil gas is the answer to the climate crisis. We will work to endthe ongoing decimation of climate-critical tropical forests completely. We willwork to end the killing of land and environmental defenders, address theunderlying causes of attacks against them, and ensure those who commit or arecomplicit in violence against them face the full force of national orinternational law. We will campaign for a corporate accountability law thatenshrines a set of global standards that can be enforced to ensure the futureof our planet is safeguarded from rapacious profit-makers and investors 2b1af7f3a8