The Mother The Son The Rat And The Gun (2021) ...
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Traditionally, the Mother Son Dance is the dance between the mother of the groom and her son. It comes after the Father Daughter Dance in the wedding reception timeline. It is a heartfelt moment during the wedding reception. It will most likely be filmed and photographed, so be sure to choose a special song for the two of you.
In South Korea, Yoon Se-ri (Son Ye-jin) is the daughter of a wealthy chaebol and manages her own successful fashion line. Her father (Nam Kyung-eup), who was in prison for financial crimes, is released on probation and arranges to have dinner with his family to announce who will succeed his position as chairman of the family company. While it is expected that either the eldest son, Se-jun (Choi Dae-hoon), or the second eldest son, Se-hyung (Park Hyung-soo), would take over the company, the chairman instead chooses Se-ri to be the new chairwoman. Se-ri accepts the offer to the dismay of her mother and her brothers but asks to delay an official announcement so that she can perform final tests for a new product. The next day, while Se-ri is paragliding to test the product, a tornado suddenly forms and she is blown away unconscious.
Cheol-gang catches up with Captain Ri, beat him, had him detained and interrogated. On the other hand Yoon Seri was safely brought by the kidnapers to the \"family home\" of Captain Ri. She was well feed by a servant in an attic, unaware of the fact that it was Captain Ri's home. When Yoon Seri come face to face with Captain's Ri's father that seemingly a person of authority, Yoon Seri started to open up and relate her story. Seri not knowing that he was talking to no less than Captain Ri's father, sincerely speak well about Captain Ri. How he has been kind to her and cared for her and helped her in several attempts to escape. Eavesdropping and upon hearing her ordeal, Captain Ri's mother transferred Yoon Seri to a comfy room that turned out to be the room of Captain Ri. On the other hand, Freed from detention with the help of his father, Captain Ri hurriedly went home to seek help from his father. Not knowing that Seri was safely brought there by the alleged kidnappers under the command of his father who happened to be in an influential position in the Political Bureau of North Korea's Armed Forces. Captain Ri was assuaged to see Seri safe. His parents witnessed how the two deeply care for each other. Yoon Seri was ushered inside Captain Ri's room. When Seri saw the piano, she thought of some notes that she memorized and started playing it. She heard and remembered this while on a serene boat-ride on a lake at Switzerland. Captain Ri found out that it was his piano composition for his brother and finished playing the said piece for Yoon Seri.Parallel scene 1: Flashback scenes from Switzerland. Parallel Scene 2: Cheol-gang made a daring search at the family home of Captain Ri and found nothing.Parallel scene 3: Elsewhere, Captain Ri was forced to build formidable facts and defenses about himself in order to escape Cheol-gang's clutches and schemes. Another escape was secretly planned with his trusted men for Seri. Given that the electrically wired fences in the demarcation line were still down, they find their way to a section where Seri could cross to the side of South Korea.
Se-ri, devastated by Ri Jeong-hyeok's words in his emotional disgust, faints after experiencing a life-threatening resurgence of sepsis, but was eventually recovered. Heartbroken upon learning that Jeong-hyeok had been looking after her and is being escorted out of the country, Seri, despite her medical condition, convinces her mother to drive towards the DMZ to see Jeong-hyeok and his company to give each other tearful goodbyes.
Her cousin Valerie Stahl said she grew up not knowing much about Spencer until she hit college and Googled the incident. Stahl said her mother, Penny Wragg, never got the right help dealing with the murder of her father at the school.
Miller recalls that his mother had just dropped him off, about 8:30 a.m., and he saw the principal and custodian lying in the parking lot near some bushes. He felt a sharp pain and blacked out for a moment, then a neighbor girl helped him toward the school building. He and other wounded children were hustled to the auditorium to await an ambulance.
\\\"Mental illness does not give anybody the right to put their hands on my child,\\\" Amy Sutherland, Jamal's mother, said as she fought back tears. \\\"That's my child. I love my child. His father and his brothers, they love Jamal.\\\"
The increased prevalence of PTSD in Holocaust offspring in response to their own traumatic exposures was later found to be associated with maternal PTSD in Holocaust survivors28. Although PTSD was found to occur in association with paternal PTSD in a study of Australian Vietnam Veterans and their offspring29, the contribution of potential maternal symptoms, even through secondary traumatization, was not assessed. It is rare to identify a cohort in whom both mothers and fathers had similar exposures to an extreme trauma, or even a cohort in whom the impact of lifetime trauma was evaluated in both parents, and even rarer to have the opportunity to evaluate psychiatric morbidity in both parents and adult children.
Initial theories posited that offspring biological effects were reflections of their own experiences as a result of having traumatized parents who may have been symptomatic, neglectful, or otherwise impaired in parenting11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Differences in offspring effects based on parental gender could similarly be viewed through the lens that mothers and fathers might be associated with different types of parenting roles and behaviors. Thus, in essence, having a traumatized mother, father, or both constituted an early environmental experience that impacted the offspring. Supporting this idea were findings that Holocaust offspring reported higher levels of childhood trauma exposure than demographically similar comparison subjects, particularly if one or more parent had PTSD66. In fact, the low cortisol in offspring was found to be associated with offspring reports of emotional abuse66. By then it had been established that early childhood maltreatment in itself could result in lower cortisol levels67, 68, 69, 70, 71.
However, it subsequently became clear that the observed effects in offspring were mediated not by the maternal separation or the early handling by humans, but rather by the behavior of the mother upon being reunited with her pups in the home cage, specifically the extent of licking and grooming of pups. The offspring of mothers that displayed lower vs. higher licking and grooming demonstrated distinct neuroendocrine and behavioral parameters, which persisted from F1 to F280, 81.
The gestational stage of the fetus is an important determinant of the impact of prenatal exposures on offspring, indicative of developmentally sensitive windows of fetal development146, 147. The relevance of gestational stage during maternal trauma exposure was highlighted in a prospective study of infants born to mothers who had been pregnant and had to evacuate the World Trade Center during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001146. Infant offspring demonstrated lower cortisol levels in association with maternal PTSD, particularly if the mother had been exposed to trauma in the third trimester. At 9 months, maternal morning cortisol levels were inversely related to maternal ratings of infant distress and response to novelty. Mothers who had PTSD rated their infants as having greater distress to novelty than did mothers without PTSD148, and the offspring of mothers with PTSD showed evidence of anxiety and behavioral disturbances.
Given the directionality of these findings, which is consistent with elevated cortisol levels, it may be that exposures in mothers which originate during pregnancy result in directionally different epigenetic alterations from those observed in offspring where the maternal (or paternal) trauma occurred prior to conception. There may also be different effects on offspring, as well mechanisms underlying these effects, depending on the history of trauma exposure and/or psychiatric symptoms prior to pregnancy.
The notion that oocytes may be affected by preconception trauma is consistent with findings in Holocaust offspring in association with maternal age of exposure during the Holocaust. However, this explanation would decidedly be an inference. Maternal age at Holocaust exposure and maternal PTSD were found to independently influence urinary cortisol levels and cortisol metabolism in adult offspring, with the strongest effects in offspring of mothers who were children during World War II167. In an unpublished study, earlier age of maternal Holocaust exposure was also associated with lower FKBP5 methylation at intron 7 in offspring.
Hi I am a new mother in an apartment building that for most times is a lovely place to live. However, lately the tenants that are directly across from us have been pounding on the doors and walls and threatening to beat people in the other apartment up. The police have been by multiple times. Can I request to be transferred to a different apartment Isnt there a level of safety and protection required from my landlord so that my husband, me and my baby can sleep through the night without fearing for our lives
Accordingly, your mother should consider providing the landlord with written notice of the issue (send it certified mail with return receipt requested). Your mother should then give the landlord a reasonable amount of time to fix the issue before hiring someone to repair it herself and deducting the cost from her next rent check. 59ce067264