The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 5 Free Game ...
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The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game[5] and later The Walking Dead: Season One[6]) is an episodic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games. It is the first game in the series, which consists of 4 seasons and a spin-off game based on Michonne. Based on The Walking Dead comic book series, the game consists of five episodes, released between April and November 2012. It is available for Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Ouya, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game is the first of The Walking Dead video game series published by Telltale.
Unlike many graphic adventure games, The Walking Dead does not emphasize puzzle solving, but instead focuses on story and character development. The story is affected by both the dialogue choices of the player and their actions during quick time events, which can often lead to, for example, certain characters being killed, or an adverse change in the disposition of a certain character or characters towards protagonist Lee. The choices made by the player carry over from episode to episode. Choices were tracked by Telltale, and used to influence their writing in later episodes.
Each episode contains five points where the player must make a significant decision, choosing from one of two available options. Through Telltale's servers, the game tracks how many players selected which option and lets the player compare their choices to the rest of the player base. The game can be completed regardless of what choices are made in these situations; the main events of the story, as described below, will continue regardless of what choices are made, but the presence and behavior of the non-player characters in later scenes will be affected by these choices. The game does allow the player to make multiple saves, and includes a \"rewind\" feature where the player can back up and alter a previous decision, thus facilitating the exploration of alternative choices.[11]
Numerous characters appear throughout the game. Lee Everett (voiced by Dave Fennoy[15]), the primary protagonist, is a native of Macon and a former university professor convicted for killing a state senator who was sleeping with his wife.[16] Lee eventually finds and becomes a father figure to Clementine (voiced by Melissa Hutchison[17]), an eight-year-old whose parents had left for Savannah, leaving her with a babysitter. Lee and Clementine soon encounter a family from Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Kenny (voiced by Gavin Hammon[18]), a fisherman who prioritizes his family above all else;[19] Katjaa, Kenny's wife, who works as a veterinarian (voiced by Cissy Jones[20]);[21] and Kenny and Katjaa's son, Kenny Jr. (voiced by Max Kaufman[22]), nicknamed \"Duck\".[21] The five join a survivor group led by Lilly (voiced by Nicki Rapp[23]), who was formerly stationed on the Robins Air Force Base.[24] Lilly's group consists of multiple survivors, including Larry (voiced by Terry McGovern[25]), her aggressive and judgmental father, a retired U.S. Army commander who knows Lee's past;[26] Carley (voiced by Nicole Vigil[27]) a quick-thinking regional news reporter who is also aware of Lee's crimes;[24] Doug (voiced by Sam Joan[28]), a resourceful and logical information systems technician;[26] and Glenn Rhee (voiced by Nick Herman[29]), a former pizza delivery boy.[30] In the second episode, two more survivors join the group: Mark (voiced by Mark Middleton[31]), a survivor who used to work for the U.S. Air Force; and Ben Paul (voiced by Trevor Hoffman[32]), a high school student rescued by Lee, Mark and Kenny. Also introduced in the second episode are the farmers-turned-cannibals the St. Johns, consisting of Andy (voiced by Adam Harrington), his brother Danny (voiced by Brian Sommer), and their mother Brenda (voiced by Jeanie Kelsey). In the third episode, more characters are introduced; Chuck (voiced by Roger Jackson[33]), a level-headed homeless man who lives in a boxcar; and Omid and Christa (voiced by Owen Thomas[34] and Mara Junot[35] respectively), a young couple who tend to stay away from large groups. The fourth episode introduces two more characters; Molly (voiced by Erin Ashe[36]), an acrobatic and resourceful young woman who carries an ice axe; and Vernon (voiced by Butch Engle[37]), a doctor and leader of a group of cancer survivors hiding in the morgue of a hospital. The Stranger (voiced by Anthony Lam,[38] and by Roger Jackson through the walkie-talkie) is a mysterious man that communicates to Clementine via her walkie-talkie as the group nears Savannah.
An additional episode, titled 400 Days, was released in July 2013 as downloadable content, bridging the gap between the first and second season. It focuses on five new characters, and is presented in a nonlinear narrative style; players can approach the five stories in any order they choose.[44]
Prior to The Walking Dead, Telltale Games had made several successful episodic adventure games based on established properties, including three seasons of Sam & Max based on the comics and prior video games, and the five-episode Tales of Monkey Island, based upon the Monkey Island video game series. In 2010, the company secured the rights to two licensed movie properties from Universal Studios, resulting in Back to the Future: The Game and Jurassic Park: The Game. The latter included elements atypical of adventure games, including more action-oriented sequences incorporating quick time events, and was inspired by Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain.[45]
During development of the game, Robert Kirkman and the comic publisher Skybound Entertainment worked with Telltale.[50] According to Kirkman, he had previously played Telltale's Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, and felt that they \"were more focused on telling a good story, and I thought they were good at engaging the player in the narrative.\"[51] Telltale approached him with a proposal which, according to Kirkman, \"involved decision-making and consequences rather than ammunition gathering or jumping over things.\" The proposal's emphasis on the survival aspect of the comics, and the need for the player to make choices between two bad options sold him on the project.[51] Since then, Kirkman became involved with Telltale, mostly providing oversight on what aspects of the story were appropriate components of The Walking Dead universe, in much the same manner as he does for the television show, staying out of the direct development process.[51] Dan Connors, CEO of Telltale, stated that working with Kirkman made it easier for Telltale to craft its story and introduce new characters, instead of having to work with those already established in the comic.[50][52] One of the few demands Kirkman asked of Telltale was to avoid telling anything involved with the comic's main character, Rick Grimes, as Kirkman has stated long-term plans with the character in other media.[52] Kirkman had not been impressed with an early build of the first episode, but by the time they had presented him with a near-final build, Kirkman told the Telltale team, \"Holy shit guys, you did it\", according to the game's co-lead developer Jake Rodkin.[53]
The game's story was written with the final scene in the fifth episode, where Clementine either shoots Lee or walks away to let him become a walker, as the established ending that the game would build towards.[38][55] As such, the character of Clementine was considered critical to the game's writing, and the team spent much time making her the \"moral compass\" for the game, while assuring that as a child character, she would not come off to the player as whining or annoying.[55] Similarly, the scene with the Stranger in the hotel room was planned very early in development, and also used to review the player's decisions on a moral basis, allowing the player to respond, if they desired, to the allegations.[38] Each episode was developed by pairing a writer and a game designer so that the plot and gameplay style for that episode would work in cooperation and avoid having one feel detached from the other, according to Vanaman.[53] As such, certain gameplay ideas were left out of the game; one example given by Vanaman was a scene where everyone in the survivor group was firing on a wall of zombies, but as this would lead to a discrete success or failure, it did not fit in with the sense of panic they wanted to convey in the scene.[53]
The ultimate goal of introducing non-game-ending choices into the game was to make the player more invested in the story and more likely to avoid using the rewind feature. Telltale spent a great deal of time to assure that no choice would appear to be punishing to the player, though ultimately \"all choices are equally wrong\", according to Whitta.[53] The writers wanted to create choices that would appear to have a significant impact on the story but ultimately would be mostly inconsequential to the larger story.[53] At major decision points, the writers' aim was try to have the audience split evenly by making the dialog as neutral as possible prior to the choice; they considered that a split of 75 to 25 percent was not ideal.[56] They noted such cases occurred in both the first episode, where the player has an option to save Carley (the \"hot reporter with a gun\") or Doug (the \"dorky dude\"), with the vast majority of players saving Carley,[39] and in the second episode, where the player is given the option to cut off Parker's leg before they are attacked by walkers or leave him behind, with most players cutting off the leg.[40] As such, in subsequent episodes, they worked to modify dialog to eliminate any sense of suggestion, leaving the notion of the 'right' choice ambiguous, and totally up to the player themself.[56]
The writers also used the decision statistics from previous episodes to develop the direction of future ones. Gary Whitta, the writer of the fourth episode, specifically reviewed all the statistics from the previous three episodes to determine the general development of the episode's story. One example involved the death of Duck in the third episode. In that episode, the player must choose to either kill Duck for Kenny, or have Kenny do it himself. In the fourth episode, Whitta wrote a scene where Kenny finds a similar-looking boy, who has starved to death in an attic and come back as a walker. Again, the player is faced with the choice of whether to kill the boy themselves or have Kenny do it. They also included a third choice, in which the player would simply walk away, leaving the boy as a walker trapped in the attic, but this decision would harshly affect the disposition of the others characters towards Lee.[41] By the first act of episode 5, there were 32 variations due to past player choices that they had to write towards.[38] The number of possible scenarios were considered necessary to make the game feel \"organic\" to the individual player, making the player feel like they weaved their own story within the game instead of just taking a specific route through the choices.[38] 59ce067264