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2D/3D graphical user interface. It includes read from and shape out surface graphs to measure and display the results. User can inspect, edit and shape results, graphically view and print them with uniform displays and annotations. It also includes various reports and displays that can be printed from read in or shape out 2D and 3D graphical models, which are stored in the native format of the analyses. User can execute structural analysis through interactive user-defined load cases and can export analysis results to MS Word, Excel, etc. in non-native formats or human readable format. It includes truncation option to limits the number of analysis results.
Visualization features include: 2-D surface graphs and 3D visual; Geometric visualization including geometric constraints and equations of motion, multidimensional plotting of element, viewports, mesh touches; Optional usage of advanced interpolation methods to improve convergence quality by using the ideas of scattered points and the smarter grid; Optional usage of visualization methods to improve the rendering quality of finite element models and to reduce the computational burden; Available options for details for each element.
The effect of grating and vertical cylinder on the performance of a full-scale spandrel enhancement fabric. The performance of the fabric was evaluated by using an existing full-scale geotechnical site. The experimental results indicated that the implementation of cylinder and grid pattern could improve the performance of the fabric. Based on the results of the full-scale test, the behavior of the fabric was simulated and analyzed in ABAQUS to further identify the effect of grating and vertical cylinder. The experimental and numerical results show good agreement and parameter estimation are presented in detail to simulate the performance of the fabric for normal and seismic loading condition. The results indicate that the grating and vertical cylinder could prevent some of the steel cables from being severed and would delay the severence of the grating. d2c66b5586