Wind River Workbench 3.3 Crack [UPD]
How to Use Wind River Workbench 3.3 for Device Software Development
Wind River Workbench 3.3 is a complete suite of developer tools for software running on Wind River platforms. It is everything that you need, to quickly configure your operating system, analyze and tune your software, and debug an entire system. Workbench offers the only end-to-end, open standards-based suite for device software design, development, debugging, testing and management[^1^].
In this article, we will show you how to use Workbench 3.3 to create a platform project for a common PC board with a small glibc-based file system and a Linux kernel. We will also show you how to build and deploy your project to a target device.
Step 1: Start Workbench
You can start Workbench 3.3 from your host start menu by selecting WindRiver > Workbench 3.3 > Workbench version, or by double-clicking the Workbench icon on your desktop. Alternatively, you can use the command-line to start Workbench. Navigate to the Workbench install directory and enter the following command:
$ ./
Workbench will open with a default workspace and perspective. You can change these settings later if you want.
Step 2: Configure the Platform Project
A platform project contains all the configuration and build options for your target software components. To create a new platform project, right-click in the Project Explorer and select New > Wind River Linux Platform Project. Give your project a name and click Next . In this example, we will name our project common_pc_small.
Next, you need to select a board, a root file system, and a kernel for your project. You can use the up and down arrows after each field to choose from the available options. For this example, we will select the following:
Board: common_pc
Root File System: glibc_small
Kernel: linux-2.6-x86-standard
Click Finish to create your platform project. Workbench will generate the necessary files and folders for your project in the Project Explorer.
Step 3: Build the Platform Project
To build your platform project, right-click on it in the Project Explorer and select Build Project. Workbench will invoke the appropriate tools and commands to compile and link your target software components. You can monitor the progress of the build in the Console view.
If the build is successful, you will see a message like this in the Console:
Build Finished (took 12m:34s.123ms)
If there are any errors or warnings during the build, you will see them in the Problems view. You can double-click on any problem to jump to the source code where it occurred.
Step 4: Deploy the Platform Project
To deploy your platform project to a target device, you need to connect your target device to your host computer via Ethernet or serial cable. You also need to configure your target device to boot from network or from a removable media such as USB flash drive.
Once your target device is ready, right-click on your platform project in the Project Explorer and select Deploy Project. Workbench will prompt you to enter the IP address or hostname of your target device. Enter the correct information and click OK . Workbench will transfer your target software components to your target device using FTP or TFTP protocol.
If the deployment is successful, you will see a message like this in the Console:
Deployment Finished (took 1m:23s.456ms)
If there are any errors or warnings during the deployment, you will see them in the Problems view.
Step 5: Run and Debug the Platform Project
To run and debug your platform project on your target device, you need to launch a debug session from Workbench. Right-click on your platform project in the Project Explorer and select Debug As > Wind River Linux Application . Workbench will prompt you to select a debug configuration for your project. You can use the default configuration or create a new 061ffe29dd