{wow Roll Hack 3.3.5}
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Note: Happy April Fools' Day everyone. This AddOn was a 2008 April Fools joke perpetrated by most of the major WoW fansites. The description below is, of course, not true Hope you got as much of a chuckle out of this as we did! This AddOn uses an advanced algorithm to time your roll requests to the server in order to increase your average roll value.Note that the addon is rather large due to the advanced algorithm. It must take into account things such as Name, Race, Class, guild name, and position. I have done everything I can to make the addon as fast an efficient as possible (I use both Ace2 and Rock so that its twice as fast!)I'm not sure if this addon is completely legal (though they say anything doable in the default UI is), so download it quickly before its taken down!Also, this AddOn will not work on Macs due to several differences in the way system time works (sorry!)Note: Due to initial calculations, you may be locked out of your UI for a bit the first time you roll after installing the AddOn
The blue Scythe of the Unmaker drops from Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne, on any difficulty. It can't be bonus rolled.The red Scythe of the Unmaker drops only on Mythic difficulty.This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Druids, Hunters, Monks, Paladins and Warriors.
Hammer of Vigilance drops from Maiden of Vigilance in Tomb of Sargeras on any difficulty. It can't be bonus rolled.This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Druids, Monks, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, Shamans and Warriors.
Ensemble: Vestments of the Tidesages drops from the Tidesage Council (Galecaller Faye and Brother Ironhull) and Lord Stormsong in the Shrine of the Storms dungeon on Mythic difficulty. You can also get it from the final chest in Mythic+. The ensemble can't be bonus rolled.This item can be obtained by Mages, Priests and Warlocks.
The First Satyr's Spaulders drop from Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. They can be bonus rolled using a Seal of Broken Fate.The First Satyr's Spaulders can also drop by using the Relinquished Spaulders.Rarely you may also see them available for purchase on the Black Market Auction House.This item can be obtained by Demon Hunters, Druids, Monks and Rogues.
Tusks of Mannoroth drop from Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. They can be bonus rolled using a Warforged Seal.Tusks of Mannoroth can also be purchased from the Black Market Auction House.This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Paladins and Warriors.
Overall, multiclassing can offer many benefits to characters, especially when you are hacking a specific class to maximize its potential. However, keep in mind that multiclassing takes time and you will need to discuss with your DM how they handle multiclassing at the table.
Not all paladins need to destroy a battlefield and be soaked in blood. If you would prefer to protect your fellow party members while still being capable of dealing damage, then a defensive hack would be the best.
Surprised that their Devs weren't out and ahead of this. All they basically have to do is look at Warcraft and they know they will eventually see most of the same issues pop up in their game in some form. They should be well prepared for all of this and have solutions ready to roll out.
The area overlay was cracked down on a long time ago by WOW for trivializing content, because it basically turned the encounter into a fast-paced tutorial. It was 'kind of a big deal' when WOW broke AVREncounters from being able to do this when 3.3.5 went live, which was a result of internal monitoring and leaked videos of how it trivialized the Defile mechanic during Arthas. 2b1af7f3a8