Xing Mpeg Player 3.30 Download _TOP_
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Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term \"streaming media\" can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all considered \"streaming text\".
Microsoft developed a media player known as ActiveMovie in 1995 that supported streaming media and included a proprietary streaming format, which was the precursor to the streaming feature later in Windows Media Player 6.4 in 1999. In June 1999 Apple also introduced a streaming media format in its QuickTime 4 application. It was later also widely adopted on websites along with RealPlayer and Windows Media streaming formats. The competing formats on websites required each user to download the respective applications for streaming and resulted in many users having to have all three applications on their computer for general compatibility.
Nero AAC encoder and Apollo After many years, I added a new page to the AAC section: Nero AAC Encoder and Decoder. Go check out its history and download the three versions I managed to find (if you have other versions, please send them in!) Also, I added a handful of Apollo versions to the respective page, courtesy of the always helpful Zachary Jelesoff. 2019-12-02: foobar2000 again! Celebrating the recent major release 1.5 of foobar2000 I uploaded the official versions that were still missing, from the 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 series, as well as version 1.5 itself. Next step: try to do the same to LAME, EAC and Apollo! Contributions of versions not yet available would be extremely welcome. 2019-11-04: foobar2000 and HTTPS This time around I uploaded dozens and dozens of foobar2000 versions, from the 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, and part of 1.2 series. Hopefully soon I'll find time to upload stuff that was released in the 1.3 and 1.4 series, as well as the rest of 1.2 (but considering I took more than one year to come up with this update... \\_(ツ)_/ ) Additionally, ReallyRareWares pages are now securely served through SSL/TLS thanks to a brand new cryptographic certificate, courtesy of the fine people at Let's Encrypt. You can rest calm in the knowledge that your downloads are not being tampered by evil hackers while in transit to your computer. 2018-07-06: Site fixes and a few updates This update focuses on fixing several parts of the website, namely: The screenshot thumbnails (they used to only get resized in Chrome, now they also work on Firefox, Edge, etc) Units are correctly named (kB instead of Kb) Consistency improvements all over the site Several small bugs and grammar errors And these are the software updates: Several versions of l3enc that were missing. Have fun if you are still using Irix! A few more recent versions of foobar2000 (thanks to mezenga) CoolEdit version 1.5.2 An even older version of DOSamp - 0.4 2018-06-22: Finally another update More than four months since the last update, here comes another one. I would like to remind RRW visitors that I depend on your contributions to keep adding obscure software to this website - my personal collection of oddities is all but already featured in its entirety here. So, if you have something you believe might be of interest to be preserved here, please don't hesitate to get in touch. And these are the updates: Métis MP3 player (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) Another MP3 to EXE converter (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) WWV - Women, Whisky and VQF! (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) Apollo plugins for several formats Another version of Yamaha SoundVQ Encoder (thanks to Sebastian Knop) 2018-02-07: The first update in 2018 Time to get things rolling in this new year! This time around I updated: RealJukebox music player/manager MpegDJ Encoder Ultimate [MP1/2/3] Encoder EncSpot Pro MP3 analyzer AT&T a2b music (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) A few more WavPack versions (thanks to David Bryant) 2017-12-11: Happy holidays! This time around, just a simple update to wrap up 2017. Have some lovely holidays! See you all again in 2018! These are the updates: Sonic Foundry SoftEncode AC3 encoder RKau lossless compressor Emagic Zap lossless compressor Iomega RecordIt MP2 recorder Several versions of Apollo (thanks to Thundik81) A few extra PlusV tools 2017-11-22: File dates and MP3 encoders I did some serious research these last few weeks, trying to obtain information as accurate as possible for the dates displayed for each file (that information will come handy for some site improvements I have been planning). I researched release notes, readmes, zip file timestamps, and even PE timestamps, and hopefully the pages now portray as accurately as possible what was released when. Also, I decided to upload/update several MP3 encoders this time around: Sound Limit MP3 encoder Audioactive Production Studio and Player YunaSoft MP3 Encoder (actually a FhG ACM codec frontend) Some Blade versions that I found lying around in my HDDs Also, an 8hz-mp3 version of the same origin Ditto for another SoloH version Several new versions of FhG MP3 Surround tools, and a Winamp plugin A new(er) version of SCMPX If you have LAME versions not featured at the LAME page, please submit them! 2017-11-04: GitHub and players This is the first update where ReallyRareWares development and changes are being versioned at GitHub. This will not make much of a difference to visitors, but should help streamline site maintenance. Of course, feel free to submit pull requests... ;-) And these are the updates, this time around focused on players: iMPload complete MP3pro music player/ripper/manager Dice VQF player (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) More versions of Apollo contributed by [JAZ] NAD MP3 player v1.0 (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) Two AMP-based MP3 players for Win32 (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) MP3 to EXE, which converts MP3 files into standalone players I am interested in filling up the Apollo page with more versions. If you have them lying around, please get in touch! (check the About page) 2017-10-21: More screenshots and nice updates I added screenshots to most (all) graphical programs in ReallyRareWares. Some are bland, some are amazing, several are just horrid. Have fun perusing them! Besides the screenshots, these are the novelties: A page for FhG MP3 Sourround (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) A page for FhG mp3HD hybrid compressor (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) A page for the super obscure ALF2 CD codec (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) Lots of old Foobar2000 versions (thanks to Thundik81) SoundApp player and converter for Mac OS Classic LTAC/LPAC lossless compressors 2017-10-01: Screenshots! This update includes something I have been meaning to add to RRW for years: screenshots! Check the pages of your favorite graphical applications (I do not see much point in adding screenshots of command line applications), maybe there will be a screenshot there. I have not yet uploaded screenshots for all apps, those will probably come in the next update. Besides the screenshots, this is what has been added/updated: A page for the MP3 PlusV encoder (thanks to Zachary Jelesoff) A page for the AMP MP3 decoder - famously used in early versions of Winamp (thanks to Martin Guy) Apollo MP3 player (thanks to [Jaz]) Several VQF updates: NTT player and VQF SDK, Yamaha player and another version of the encoder Xing MP3 player Enjoy! 2017-09-10: First update in a loooong while Here is the first real update since I decided to bring RRW back to life. This is what has been added/updated: A page for the CodingTechnologies MP3pro encoder A page for Xing MP3 encoder, including an old version and a more recent Helix version More recent versions of Gogo Emuzed MP4 encoder A reverse engineering document describing parts of the QDesign codec The rJPa MP1/2/3 decoder Hope you enjoy the updates, and please keep those rare pieces of software coming! 2017-09-03: Time to get things moving again After more than ten years of inactivity, I believe it is about time to bring ReallyRareWares back. I stupidly let my other domain - - expire and then it got stolen by one of those jolly domain squatters. That made me lose interest in the project somewhat. But I never stopped receiving e-mails from people asking for software I used to host here, and that showed me there was still interest in old, weird or just interesting pieces of audio software. These last few weeks I did a major cleanup. Replaced dead links with mirrors or deleted them altogether, fixed several spelling and grammar mistakes, fixed visuals on some pages. Now in the next few weeks/months I'll go back to updating. I have a small backlog of stuff I received from friends and contacts at HA to upload, and also should create articles for tools that have come and gone during this time - for example, the FhG MP3 Surround and CodingTechnologies MP3pro encoders. I would also like to count on you, friends and visitors, to send me software that you believe belongs here, or send corrections/additions to the articles. I'd like, for instance, to add the versions I missed of some of the tools available here (EAC, LAME, foobar2000...) Thank you for your patience all those years! Best regards; Roberto 2006-04-23: An update, at last! Lo and behold, here it is! Without further ado, I present you the Christmas (!) update to ReallyRareWares: A much improved Musepack section, reflecting the recent removal of the same section from RareWares. There are countless Musepack versions there, most of them kindly contributed by Guruboolez. 2005-10-14: foobar2000 and a surprise I was planning to only make an update near Christmas, but so many nice dudes submitted old versions of foobar2000 that I decided to make a quick update and add a foobar page to the